Подсчитаем количество игроков, для предварительной подготовки к истории, т.к. нужно будет всех разбросать, мотивировать и не обидеть и не забыть.
Вид анкеты: - Имя/Прозвище - Раса (человек/астартес) - Легион/Орден/Полк/Фракция - Генерация характеристик ( стр. 52 рульбука) - Выбор карьеры (все доступные карьеры описаны в рульбуке и томах, посвященных Темным Богам) - Выбор Pride, Disgrace и Motivation (стр. 71-73 рульбука) - Определение верности (Все карьеры из рульбука - Хаос Неделимый / Карьеры из томов - из профиля карьеры) - Внешность/Биография/Краткая История персонажа (Биографией можно пренебречь) - Астартес идут на стр. 175 рульбука и выбирают 1 (одну!) суб-систему из Legion Power Armour Sub-systems. Все General Power Armour Sub-systems уже включены в доспех. После бросаем куб d10 и смотрим результат Power Armour Customization. - Начальные умения/таланты/черты/снаряжение (Астартес - стр. 48 рульбука + карьера / Человек - стр. 50 рульбука + карьера) - Доп. экипировка (по правилу EQUIPMENT на стр. 82 рульбука) - Нач. опыт (Карьеры из рульбука - 4600 опыта / Карьеры из томов - 1000 опыта) - Улучшения - записываем все, что приобрели/получили (стр. 76 рульбука, таблицы с 2-5 по 2-12)
Тобиас WS 44 BS 33 S 36 T 40 AG 38 INT 43 PER 30 WP 55 FEL 40 W 13 FP 1 IP 1
Шлем десантника венчают стилизованные рога, отведенные назад к затылку, сам же шлем слегка вытянут вперед и напоминает голову какой-то рептилии, остальную часть брони местами покрывают зеленоватые чешуйки. Так же со спины спадает длинный плащ-хамелеон. Десантник вооружен древнего вида плазмоганом, без каких-либо украшений, но с отчетливой аурой необъятной злобы вокруг него.
Никто из поныне живых или давно умерших не знает истинных целей Альфа Легиона. Само их существование окутано пеленой лжи и тайны. Их действия невозможно предугадать: каждый десантник действует независимо друг от друга и в то же время составляет слаженный механизм. Их пути могут разниться, их методы могут отличаться, но Гидра - это единый организм из множества, обладающей общей волей. Сет - один из них. Ветеран Долгой Войны. Возможно, ступая на Кламантис, он ищет личную выгоду, возможно, это всего лишь очередная игра Альфа Легиона
Forbidden Lore (The Horus Heresy and the Long War)
Forbidden Lore (Warp+10)
Forbidden Lore (Daemonology+10)
Linguistics (Low Gothic)
Navigate (Surface)
Operate (Surface)
Scholastic Lore (Occult)
Forbidden Lore (Daemonology)
Bulging Biceps
Legion Weapon Training
Heightened Senses (Hearing, Sight)
Nerves of Steel
Quick Draw
Resistance (Cold, Heat, Poisons)
Unarmed Warrior.
Psy Rating (x5)
Warp Sense
Totall Recall
Favoured by the warp
Unnatural Strength (+4)
Unnatural Toughness (+4)
Unnatural Willpower (+1)
Secondary Heart/Ossmodula/Biscopea/ Haemastamen: You gain the Unnatural Strength and Toughness (+4) Traits. Larraman’s Organ: Only 5% chance of dying from Blood Loss. Catalepsean Node: You suffer no penalties to Perception-based Tests when awake for long periods of time. Preomnor: You gain +20 to Toughness Tests against ingested poisons. Omophagea: You may gain a Skill or Skill Group by devouring a portion of an enemy. Multi-Lung: You may re-roll any failed Toughness Test for drowning or asphyxiation. In addition, you gain a +30 to Toughness Tests made to resist gases and may re-roll failed results. Occulube and Lyman’s Ear: You gain the Heightened Senses (Sight and Hearing) Talents, +10 to relevant Awareness Tests. Sus-an Membrane: You may enter suspended animation. Oolotic Kidney: You may re-roll any failed Toughness Test ro resist poisons and toxins, including attacks with the Toxic Quality. Neuroglottis: You may detect any poison or toxin by taste with a successful Awareness Test. You gain a +10 to Tracking Tests against a target you have tasted. Mucranoid: You may re-roll any failed Toughness Tests caused by temperature extremes. Betcher’s Gland: You may spit acid as a ranged weapon with the following profile: Range: 3m; Damage: 1d5; Pen 4; Toxic. If you hit your target by 3 or more degrees of success, you have blinded him for 1d5 Rounds. Progenoids: These may be retrieved with a successful Medicae Test. Black Carapace: While wearing Power Armour, enemies do not gain a bonus to hit you due to your size.
Devotional Iconography(Тзинч): The armour is clearly dedicated to the service of one particular Chaos God. The wearer gains +10 to Command tests made against Daemons and targets devoted to that Chaos God. In addition, all Lesser Daemons of the chosen Chaos God not under someone else’s command or control automatically treat the wearer as their commander. The character suffers a -10 to all Fellowship tests made against Deamons and targets devoted to a Chaos Gods opposed to the chosen Chaos God.
Pride: Devotion The character’s faith in the Chaos sustains him. He is confi dent that there never has been nor will there ever be another follower of the cause as self-sacrifi cing. He believes that this grants him a special status to the Dark Gods, but is wont to rely on this instead of his own strength. Characteristic modifier: +5 Willpower, –5 Strength.
Disgrace: Regret In the past, this character performed some deed that continues to haunt his mind. He is constantly plagued by guilt for this decision and its consequences. He is constantly driven to make amends for the act but remains incapable of compensating the victims. Starting Corruption: +5 Corruption. Haunted: Opponents always receive a +10 Situational Modifier when attempting to use Intimidation against the character.
Motivation: Arcane The character is obsessed with uncovering lost and forbidden knowledge. Discovering and keeping these secrets drove him to embrace Chaos. His drive to continue this practice has not lessened. Starting Corruption: +4 Corruption, +2 Intelligence. Characteristic modifier: –3 Strength.
Добавлено (06.09.2013, 00:48) --------------------------------------------- гифт +-1,2,3 итого INFERNAL WILL The needs and desires of the mortal realm hold no power over the character, and his drives and passions are entirely those of the warp. He is motivated by the will of the empyrean, and his deeds make little sense to mere mortals. The character is entirely immune to the effects of Fear. Should the character fail any Skill Test by four or more Degrees, however, he must immediately roll on Table 8–4: Shock and apply the result.
Tzeentch: If the Skill Test was for a Skill aligned with Tzeentch (see page 93) the character may adjust the result rolled up to an amount equal to his Corruption Bonus.
Добавлено (06.09.2013, 01:04) --------------------------------------------- (реваааард?) (32) (сразу гифт на случай провала)
Alternate Names: Empyreal Maelstrom Value: 500xp Prerequisites: Mark of Tzeentch, Willpower 50+, Psy Rating 5 Action: Full Action Focus Power: Challenging (+0) Willpower Test Range: 25 metres x Psy Rating Sustained: No Subtype: Attack, Concentration Description: The psyker summons an army of aerial fire to descend on his enemies. Engulfed in these unnatural, chromatic, and reality altering flames, damned souls cry in misery as those yet living desperately grasp for a way out and to maintain integrity of form. These flames sear both the mind and the body, forcing transmutations of both and leaving the galaxy forever altered. Storm of Change is a Psychic Blast with a radius measured in metres based on the manifesting psyker’s Psy Rating. All creatures within this radius take 2d10 + 7 Energy Damage, Pen 9, that has the Felling (Psy Rating) Quality. Additionally, if the attack inflicts Zealous Hatred on any target, that target suffers a random Gift of the Gods (see page 290 from the Black Crusade Core Rulebook)—at the GM’s discretion, minor NPCs or adversaries can simply be transformed into a mewling Chaos Spawn, effectively killing them. Creatures aligned to one of the Dark Gods may not roll for Rewards of the Dark Gods instead.
Alternate Names: Puppetmaster Sigil, Dance of Lies Value: 300xp Prerequisites: Aligned Tzeentch, Willpower 50+, Psy Rating 5 Action: Half Action Focus Power: Challenging (+0) Opposed Willpower Test Range: 20 metres x Psy Rating Sustained: No Subtype: Attack, Concentration Description: The Sorcerer reaches into the mind of an enemy, and bends their body to his will. Many sorcerers conjure sigils that appear upon the victim, and whisper commands that the victim’s body will obey without question. The Sorcerer must target a single enemy within range and line of sight, who may resist the power with a Willpower Test. If the target fails the test, then his actions in his next turn may be decided by the Sorcerer. The victim cannot deal damage to himself with his actions. Any tests the victim attempts while controlled by the Sorcerer gains a bonus equal to twice the Sorcerer’s Psy Rating.
Alternate Names: Changeling, Veil of Illusion Value: 200xp Prerequisites: Aligned Tzeentch, Intelligence 40+, Fellowship 40+ Action: Half Action Focus Power: Diffi cult (–10) Willpower Test Range: 25 metres x Psy Rating Sustained: Half Action Subtype: Concentration Description: The Sorcerer calls upon the Weaver of Fates to bless him with the power of confusion. An illusion is woven over the Sorcerer and a target of his choice, and even the closest allies of the victim can seldom see the truth of the matter. The Sorcerer nominates a single enemy within range and line of sight. While this power remains in effect, the Sorcerer appears to be the target, and the target appears to be the Sorcerer. The illusion is almost fl awless, and is diffi cult for even the most careful observers to see through. A creature can attempt an Awareness Test, with a penalty equal to fi ve times the Sorcerer’s Psy Rating, in order to see through the illusion.
Characteristics WS (33) BS (34) S (35) T (32) AG (43) INT (53) PER (44) WP (46) FEL (33) INF (45) W (10) FP (2) PR (3)
Skills CL (All I), SL (All I), FL (Archaeotech, Daemonology, The Warp I) Awareness I, Dodge I, Interrogation I, Psyscience I, Medicae II, Tech Use (All I, Demolitions III), Trade (Chymist III, Armorer I), Linguistics (High/Low Gothic), Stealth I
Weapons Long laz 150 S/-/- 1d10+3 E 1 40 Accurate/Felling(4)/Reliable/LCU Black Widow mkII / 20m / Clip (T1(3), T3(3))/ 10kg / Reserve in backpack (T1(3), T2(3), T3(3)) Autogun 100/S/3/10 1d10+3 I 0 30 Molotov Coctail (3) / Stun (1) / Frag (2) / Smoke (2) / Halucennogenic (3)
1000 экспы: Furrious сharge - 300 Swift attack - 300 Battle rage - 300 Сила ап - 100
Способки Берсерка
Special Abilities Avatars of Slaughter: Such is a Khorne Berzerker’s legendary ferocity that the mere sight of one of these fearsome warriors on the battlefield is enough to unnerve many opponents. Once per combat, after taking a Full Action Move Action, the Berzerker may spend an Infamy Point to force any opponents with a line of sight to the character to make a Difficult (–10) Willpower Test. If they fail, they suffer a –20 penalty to target the Berzerker on their next turn. This penalty stacks with any other penalties and modifiers. Unstoppable Wrath: The depth of rage of these warriors is terrible to behold, even before the psychosurgeries that many gain, and often leads them to feats rarely equalled in battle. During combat, a Berzerker may spend an Infamy Point to either make an Opposed Strength Test to ignore a successful Parry made against one of his attacks or make a single Challenging (+0) Toughness Test to ignore the effects of Injury, Stunning, Fatigue, or even Death for a single Round. This Trait may only be used to ignore a Critical Result of Death once per combat encounter.
Gear: Legion Power Armour, Legion Bolter with four magazines, Legionnaire Combat Knife, Force sword, Legion Bolt Pistol with two magazines, Warp Staff (Cursed Metall), Cameleoline Cloak (в виде робы), Good Craftsmabship MIU (+BS), "Doom Bringer" - Legacy Reaper Autocannon with three magazines.
Psychic Powers: Thought Sending, Mind Probe, Compel, Butcher’s Offering.
SPECIAL ABILITY: SORCERER The Heretic gains the Psyker Trait (listed above), a Psy Rating of 2, and 1 Corruption Point. When determining Psychic Strength (see page 206), he counts as Bound.
Pride: Wealth The character has defi ned himself entirely by his possessions. Others must look upon the grandeur and seethe with jealousy. Starting Equipment: The character makes an extra Acquisition Test with a +20 bonus prior to beginning play. Characteristic modifi er: –3 Willpower.
Disgrace: Wrath Anger is a constant companion and drive for this Heretic. He fi rmly believes that the universe actively conspires against him, and that his success can only be achieved by exacting his vengeance upon his oppressors. Characteristic modifi er: +5 Perception, –2 Willpower. Starting Wounds: –1 Wound.
Motivation: Ascendancy Mortal power is fl eeting and life is short. The Heretic wishes to overcome both of these limitations by assuming a permanent level of at least daemonic power, but preferably a transformation to the divine and unholy. Starting Wounds: –2 Wounds. Characteristic modifi er: +5 Willpower.
Legion Power Armour Sub-system Enhanced Ceramite Plating: This armour has AP 10 on the Body, instead of AP 8. Power Armour Customization Chain Bandoliers: Several lengths of chain wrap around the body of the armour, providing additional protection from melee strikes. Any non-Power Field melee attack that hits the body must test to see if it is damaged as if being parried by a Power Weapon (see page 162).
Легаси оф эксесс,Артфул паттерн
EYE OF CHAOS If the eyes are the window to the soul, then what gazes out from behind the character’s gaze is something far from mortal. His fell gaze is imbued with the weirdling light of the empyrean, and to fall under it is to have one’s soul desiccated as if looking into the warp itself. The character gains the Psyniscience Skill or, if he already possesses the Skill, advances it by +10.
Траты экспы
агила +5 250 агила +5 500
стелс 200
додж+10 350 додж +20 500 додж +30 750
тех юз 200
акробатика 200
Фирлесс 750
Инфьюзед нолидж 750
Батчерс офферинг 100
Остаток 50 из 4600
WS 70 BS 42 STR 51 TGH 52 AG 65 INT 40 PER 43 WP 40 FS 35
Сообщение отредактировал Firefox - Вторник, 10.09.2013, 20:29
Enhanced Ceramite Plating: This armour has AP 10 on the Body, instead of AP 8. pride:Martial Prowess The Heretic actively seeks out combat as a way to prove himself and can never refuse a challenge to do battle, no matter the odds. Characteristic modifi er: +5 Weapon Skill, –5 Intelligence. Disgrace:Regret In the past, this character performed some deed that continues to haunt his mind. He is constantly plagued by guilt for this decision and its consequences. He is constantly driven to make amends for the act but remains incapable of compensating the victims. Starting Corruption: +5 Corruption. Haunted: Opponents always receive a +10 Situational Modifi er when attempting to use Intimidation against the character. motivation:Ascendancy Mortal power is fl eeting and life is short. The Heretic wishes to overcome both of these limitations by assuming a permanent level of at least daemonic power, but preferably a transformation to the divine and unholy. Starting Wounds: –2 Wounds. Characteristic modifi er: +5 Willpower. гифт 1 гифт 2
Убивай ради Живых и в отмщение за мертвых! WS-44,Bs-56,Str-59,T-51,AG-47,INT-37,Per-37,WP-39,FS-40,W-21,OC-3 свободный опыт-1800
Начальные черты Amphibious Unnatural Strength (+4) Unnatural Toughness (+4)
Начальная экипировка Legion Power Armour Legion Bolter or Legion Bolt Pistol Legion Combat Knife Four magazines for starting weapon Legion Chainsword Two clips for Legion Bolt Pistol