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Unreal0602Дата: Суббота, 17.12.2016, 23:54 | Сообщение # 31
Капитан V роты. Пенетратор тиранов
Группа: Администратум
Сообщений: 1588
Награды: 12
Слава: 1376
Статус: Offline
  • Имя: Пекан Когитус
    Возраст: 39

  • Карьера: Tech-Priest

  • Происхождение: Schola Progenium
    Divination: “Sins hidden in the heart turn all to decay.” Begin play with 3 Corruption Points.
    Family: Slaughtered by Rebels
    Alternate Ranks:

  • Starting Rank: Technographer (1)

  • Starting Skills: Speak Language (Low Gothic, High Gothic) (Int), Literacy (Int), Common Lore (Imperium) (Int), Tech-Use (Int), Secret Tongue (Tech) (Int), Trade (Copyist) (Int).

  • Starting Talents: Melee Weapon Training (Primitive), Basic Weapon Training (Las, SP), Pistol Training (Las, SP), Electro Graft Use.

  • Traits: Schola Education - A progeny’s mind is the product of years of careful instruction in the fundamentals of knowledge and learning.
    Effect: Common Lore (Administratum) (Int), Common Lore (Ecclesiarchy) (Int), Common Lore (Imperial Creed) (Int), Common Lore (Imperium) (Int), Common Lore (War) (Int), and Scholastic Lore (Philosophy) (Int) are Basic Skills for you.
    Sheltered Upbringing - Despite their extremely well-rounded education, the progena are largely ignorant of the Imperium’s worse elements, breeding a distain they can’t ever seem to manage to hide.
    Effect: You take a –10 penalty on all Charm, Command, Deceive and Scrutiny Tests when dealing with the worst of examples of humanity (cultists, traitors, narco-addicts, gutter scum, mutants and the like).
    Tempered Will - The harsh methods of the Schola Progenium chiefly aim to forge the most crucial weapon a servant of the Emperor has: an unbending will.
    Effect: Whenever you would attempt a Very Hard (–30) Willpower Test, you only take a –20 penalty for your Characteristic instead of the normal –30.
    Mechanicus Implants
    Over the course of many complicated rituals, you have been blessed and purified. You have been judged a suitable vessel for the following implants:
    This is a small port that is grafted into your nervous system. Once you have been properly trained, this will allow you to interface with machine data ports, and certain types of data nets. Electro-grafts can take many forms, such as electoos, skull shunts, finger probes or spine jacks.
    Electoo Inductors
    These are palm-sized metal skin grafts that appear much like tattoos to the uninitiated. The electoos are wired into your nervous system, where they derive power from the bio-electrical emanations of the flesh. They can be used to emit or siphon power in many ways. Electoo inductors can be any colour, and can appear anywhere on the body—though hands or mechadendrites are the usual sites.
    Respirator Unit
    This implant covers the lower half of your face with a network of grilles and tubing. It purifies your air supply, granting a +20% bonus to resist airborne toxins and gas weapons. The respirator unit also contains a vox-synthesiser capable of transmitting your voice in a variety of ways. Respirators can appear as simple grille units or intricate mask-like carvings.
    This is a framework of metal, wires and impulse transmitters that is bolted on to your spine and lower ribcage. As you gain further implants, this mantle will act as a sub-dermal anchorage point. Amongst some servants of the Omnissiah, this cyber-mantle is often referred to as ‘the true flesh’. One would have to look beneath the red robes of a Tech-Priest to discover what a cyber-mantle looks like, and thus no one admits to having seen one.
    Potentia Coil
    Cradled within the cyber-mantle is a power unit known as the potentia coil. This mass can store energy and produce various types of fields. Coils come in many types, from small crystal stack affairs, to bulky electrical galvinators salvaged from vehicle engines. Many a hunchback within the Adeptus Mechanicus is blamed upon a primitive coil.
    Cranial Circuitry
    This is a series of linked processors, implants and cortical circuits that augments your mental capacities. Most sit within housing bolted onto the skull, whilst others nestle within the brain itself. As you grow in the seriousness of your devotions, more and more of the brain that deals with useless things such as emotion and intuition can be scooped away to provide room for additional augmentations. Cranial circuits are often very crude-looking, and frequently rather aged.

  • Gear: Metal staff, las pistol and 0 charge pack, las carbine and 1 charge pack, knife, flak vest, glow lamp, data-slate, Mechanicus robes and vestments (Good Quality Clothing), 0 spare parts (power cells, wires, chronometers etc), vial of Sacred Machine Oil, Lasgun, Autogun and 2 full clips.
    Cybernetics: Mechanicus Implants

  • Contacts:

  • Характеристики:
    WS: 20+5 = 25
    BS: 20+10 = 30
    St: 20+10 = 30
    T: 20+20 = 40
    Ag: 20+10 = 30
    Int: 20+20+5 = 45
    Per: 20+5 = 25
    WP: 20+20 = 40
    F: 20+0 = 20
    W: 12
    FP: 1
    Безумие: 0
    Порча: 3

  • Rank: Technographer (1)
    Starting EXP: 400exp
    Total EXP: 800exp
    Free EXP: 0exp

    Bought Skills: Common Lore (Machine Cult, Tech) 200Exp, Logic 100Exp, Drive (Ground Vehicle) 100Exp, Medicae 100Exp
    Bought Talents: Binary Chatter 100Exp, Arms Master 100Exp
    Bought Сharacteristics: +5 Int 100Exp

  • Троны: 641
    Зарплата: 165

Добавлено (17.12.2016, 23:54)
    Name: Ork
    Weapon Skill: 25+7 = 32
    Ballistic Skill: 10+11+5 = 27
    Strength: 30+10 = 40
    Toughness: 30+16+5 = 51
    Agility: 20+17+10 = 47
    Intelligence: 15+17+10 = 42
    Perception: 20+14 = 34
    Willpower: 20+12 = 32
    Fellowship: 15+8+5 = 28
    Wounds: 9
    Da Klan: Bad Moons
    Orky Know-Wotz: Mekboy
    Starting Skills: Awareness (Per), Barter (Fel), Carouse (T), Common Lore (War) (Int), Speak Language (Low Gothic), Tech-Use (Int).
    Starting Talents: Basic Weapon Training (Primitive, SP), Melee Weapon Training (Universal), Peer (Bad Moons), Pistol Weapon Training (Primitive, SP)
    Starting Traits: ‘Ard, Made Fer Fightin’, Make It Work, Might Makes Right, Mob Rule
    Gear: Common-Craftsmanship Shoota, Best-Craftsmanship Choppa, Ork style void suit, Squig-hide Coat and Squig-hide Leggings, Helmet.
    Legion Plasma Gun, Armor (AP: 8)
    Teefs: 4
    Starting Expirience: 4500Exp
    Skills: Drive (Ground Vehicle, Walker) 400Exp, Barter 200Exp, Trade (Armourer, Shipwright) 400Exp, Tech-Use +20 400Exp, Demolition 200Exp
    Talents: Quick Draw 300Exp
    Characteristics: +5BS 250Exp, +10Int 750Exp, +5Fel 500Exp, +10Ag 750Exp, +5T 100Exp
    Expirience: 0Exp

| WS 38 | BS 42 | St 38 | Tg 40 | Ag 34 | Int 31 | Per 29 | WP 32 | Fel 27 | Wounds 13/13 | Fatigue 0/7 | FP 1/2 |
Stealin' property is ma life (⌐■_■)
KamissarДата: Понедельник, 02.01.2017, 14:52 | Сообщение # 32
Капитан IX роты
Группа: Ветераны
Сообщений: 5333
Награды: 5
Слава: 1684
Статус: Offline
Weapon Skill (WS)
Ballistic Skill (BS)
Strength (S)
Toughness (T)
Agility (AG)
Intelligence (INT)
Perception (PER)
Willpower (WP)
Fellowship (FEL)

Создание полка "Первый гренадерский полк Легорна"
Генерация произведена согласно основной книги правил.
Использованы следующие дополнения: Молот Императора, Щит Человечества
Полк использует следующие доктрины:
Происхождение: Рожденные в пустоте (3)
Командующий офицер: Халерик (2)
Полковая специализация: Гренадеры (4)
Зачистка кварталов (5)
Хорошее снабжение (3)
Негативные черты: Малочисленные (+5)
Суммарная стоимость: 17/17 очков

Вильвет Фроаде: WS:37 BS:40 S:38 T:33 AG:35 Int:36 Per:31 WP:39 Fel:63 W:12 FP:4

Дозеп: WS:60 BS:43 S:53(73) T:50 AG:50 Int:45 Per:46 WP:40 Fel:37 W:22 FP:3

Unreal0602Дата: Четверг, 02.03.2017, 21:09 | Сообщение # 33
Капитан V роты. Пенетратор тиранов
Группа: Администратум
Сообщений: 1588
Награды: 12
Слава: 1376
Статус: Offline
  • Имя: Люсьен
    Возраст: 31

  • Стартовая специальность: Weapon Specialist

  • Специальность: Breacher

  • Полк: 501й Тарнский (бонусы Армагедонских полков)

  • Товарищ:
    Имя: Серафина
    Характер: Ментор

  • Starting Speciality: Weapon Specialist

  • Starting Aptitudes: Agility, Ballistic Skill, Fellowship, Fieldcraft, Finesse, Weapon Skill

  • Starting Skills: Common Lore (Imperium), Deceive, Forbidden Lore (Orks), Linguistics (Low Gothic), Operate (Surface), Athletics, Navigate (Surface), Common Lore (Imperial Guard, War).

  • Starting Talents: Hatred (Orks), Heightened Senses (Hearing), Rapid Reload, Resistance (Fear), Lasgun Barrage, Weapon Training (Las, Launcher, Solid Projectile).

  • Traits:
    Surefooted: Armageddon is a cramped urban wasteland frequently ravaged by war, and its people have grown accustomed to moving efficiently through the wreckage of broken buildings and shattered streets.
    Rubble does not count as Difficult Terrain for Armageddon Steel Legion characters, and when Running or Charging through a such terrain, they take no penalty to Agility Tests to keep their feet.
    Unused to the Open: The people of Armageddon spend their lives in the shadows of massive spires and the confines of a place filled with structures and human habitation. Though this makes them experts at moving in the labyrinth of a hive, it often leaves them disoriented when in the open or in other divergent environments.
    While outside of an enclosed or artificial environment (such as a hive city, starship, or similar place), they suffer a –20 penalty to Navigate (Surface) Tests.
    Wounds: Characters from this regiment begin play with –1 starting Wounds.

  • Gear: Good Craftsmanship M36 lasgun and four charge packs, 2xknife, toxicenvironment trenchcoat, Armageddon rebreather, uniform, set of field gear (rucksack, mess kit and water canteen, blanket and sleep bag, set of basic tools, rechargeable lamp pack, grooming kit, set of ident tags, Imperial Infantryman’s Uplifting Primer, 4 weeks’ rations), 5 frag grenades, 7 krak grenades, 0 Demolition charge, 2 snare mines, combi-tool, пачка Лхо.

    Toxic-Resistant Trenchcoat
    Each Guardsman of the Armageddon Steel Legions is equipped with a toxic-resistant trenchcoat, boots, and gloves. The specially-treated gear protects a Guardsmen from the most polluted or chemically toxic environments.
    A character protected by a toxic-resistant trenchcoat gains the Resistance (Poisons) Talent and reduces all Damage that he would suffer from the effects of the Toxic Quality by 2 (to a minimum of 1).
    Armageddon-pattern Rebreather
    Designed to keep the wearer alive in even the most noxious atmosphere, the rebreather consists of a mask (often shaped like a skull for senior officers) connected by hose to a small air supply.
    A character wearing an Armageddon-pattern rebreather is immune to the effects of gases and issues of air quality, and can even survive underwater at limited depths. The air canister lasts for two full hours before requiring replacement.

  • Contacts:

  • Характеристики:
    WS: 30
    BS: 48
    St: 32
    Tg: 40
    Ag: 61
    Int: 40
    Per: 32
    WP: 32
    Fel: 35
    W: 15
    FP: 2
    Безумие: 0
    Порча: 0

  • Aptitudes: Agility, Finesse, Intelligence, Tech, Toughness, Willpower

  • Starting EXP: 5000exp
    Total EXP: 7350exp
    Free EXP: 150exp

    Bought Skills: Acrobatics+10 300Exp, Awareness 200Exp, Stealth+10 300Exp, Survival 200Exp, Dodge +10 600Exp, Scrutiny 200Exp, Trade (Cook) +10 300Exp, Trade (Armourer, Chymist) 200Exp, Tech-Use +10 300Exp, Sleight of Hand 200Exp, Linguistics (High Gothic) 100Exp, Command 300Exp, Scholastic Lore (Tactica Imperialis) 200Exp
    Bought Talents: Ambidextrous 200Exp, Deadeye Shot 200Exp, Weapon Training (Heavy) 200Exp, Lightning Reflexes 200Exp, Excelent Cook and Technical Knock for free, Hardy 450Exp, Modify Payload 200Exp, Sound Constitution (3) 600Exp, Munitorum Influences 900Exp.
    Bought Сharacteristics: +15 Ag 950Exp, +10 BS 350Exp

| WS 38 | BS 42 | St 38 | Tg 40 | Ag 34 | Int 31 | Per 29 | WP 32 | Fel 27 | Wounds 13/13 | Fatigue 0/7 | FP 1/2 |
Stealin' property is ma life (⌐■_■)
MonefektoДата: Четверг, 02.03.2017, 21:13 | Сообщение # 34
Капитан VII роты
Группа: Администратум
Сообщений: 5711
Награды: 6
Слава: 2366
Статус: Offline

Unreal0602Дата: Четверг, 02.03.2017, 21:14 | Сообщение # 35
Капитан V роты. Пенетратор тиранов
Группа: Администратум
Сообщений: 1588
Награды: 12
Слава: 1376
Статус: Offline
  • Name: Джеймс Мориан
    Class: Rogue Trader
    Home World: Noble Born
    Birthright: Vaunted
    Lure the Void: Chosen by Destiny
    Trials and Travails: Dark Voyage
    Motivation: Prestigue

  • Profit Factor: 19
  • Очки достижения: 625
  • Команда: 99/100
  • Мораль: 101/102

  • Характеристики:
    WS: 25+12 = 37
    BS: 25+10 = 35
    St: 25+12 = 37
    Tg: 25+16 = 41
    Ag: 25+16 = 41
    Int: 25+16+5 = 46
    Per: 25+14-3 = 36
    WP: 25+20-5 = 40
    Fel: 25+5+16+3+5 = 54
    Insanity: 12
    Corruption: 2
    W: 11
    FP: 3

  • Starting EXP: 5000exp
    Total EXP: 5200exp
    Free EXP: 0exp

  • Starting Skills: Command (Fel), Commerce (Fel), Charm (Fel), Common Lore (Imperium) (Int), Evaluate (Int), Literacy (Int), Scholastic Lore (Astromancy) (Int), Speak Language (High Gothic, Low Gothic) (Int).
  • Starting Talents: Air of Authority, Pistol Weapon Training (Universal), Melee Weapon Training (Universal), Peer (Nobility, the Imperial Navy, Ecclesiarchy), Decadence, Resistance (Fear), Talented (Dodge).

  • Bought Skills: Awareness 100Exp, Dodge 100Exp, Speak Language (Trader’s Cant) 100Exp, Pilot (Space Craft) 100Exp, Common Lore (Rogue Traders) 100Exp
  • Bought Talents:
  • Bought Сharacteristics: +5 Int 100Exp, +5 Fel 100Exp

  • Gear: Common-Craftsmanship plasma pistol, Common-Craftsmanship power sword, Micro-bead, void suit, set of fine clothing, xeno-pelt cloak, best-Craftsmanship enforcer light carapace, Conversion Field (Locke-pattren)

  • Exceptional Leader: As a free action once per round, the Rogue Trader may grant an ally that he can see and who can hear him +10% to any one test.
    The Rogue Trader’s Exceptional Leader ability may be used once per Strategic Turn in Space Combat, provided that they can both see and hear the Rogue Trader. Typically, this means they must be in the same location aboard the ship (such as the bridge).
    The Rogue Trader may not give himself the bonus from Exceptional Leader.

  • Noble Born:
    You were born into wealth and privilege, educated by tutors, and tempered by spiteful intrigues. You know how to move in the high circles of Imperial society, you know how to bend others to your will, and you have never been touched by the harsh life endured by common citizens. You may be an honourable and faithful soul, well aware of the duties your station imposes on you, or a dissolute, apostate rakehell who cares naught for the low-born. Either way, the risk and the power of a Rogue Trader’s dynasty beckon to you.
    Characteristic Modifiers: –5 Willpower, +5 Fellowship
    Starting Skills: Noble born characters begin play with Literacy (Int), Speak Language (High Gothic) (Int), and Speak Language (Low Gothic) (Int) as untrained Basic Skills.
    Etiquette: Nobles are schooled in how to comport themselves in all manner of formal situations. They gain a +10 bonus on Interaction Skill Tests when dealing with high authority and in formal situations.

    Legacy of Wealth: To be born an Imperial noble is to inherit a legacy of staggering wealth. Even a scorned scion enjoys access to resources beyond the wildest dreams of the toiling masses.
    This adds +1 to the group’s starting Profit Factor.

    Supremely Connected: Nobles have extensive connections, and they know that dropping the “right” names into a conversation can open more doors than a fistful of Thrones.
    A starting noble born character begins play with the Peer (Nobility) Talent. Also, to reflect his family’s powerbase, he also gains one additional Peer from the following list: Academics, Adeptus Mechanicus, Administratum, Astropaths, Ecclesiarchy, Government, Mercantile, Military, or Underworld.

    Vendetta: Every noble house has its sworn enemies and rivals who would do it and its members harm. Even the protection of a Rogue Trader’s mission merely forces those who wish you harm to be a bit more cautious and subtle in exacting their vengeance.
    As a result, starting noble born characters have powerful enemies, perhaps in the shape of a rival noble house or some other powerful group. The details of these enemies are left to the player and the Game Master to define, working together to create a formidable threat. Whilst they do not dog the character’s steps at every turn, these enemies aim to inconvenience, harm, or kill him whenever he crosses their path. The noble character, of course, is free to return the favour when it’s expedient to do so.

    Starting Wounds: Noble born characters double their starting Toughness Bonus and add 1d5 to the result to determine their starting number of Wounds.

    Fate Points: Roll 1d10 to determine a noble born character’s starting Fate Points. On a 1–3, he begins with 2 Fate Points; on a 4–9, he begins with 3 Fate Points; on a 10 he begins with 4 Fate Points.

  • Vaunted:
    You grew to adulthood upon the spire of wealth and privilege that towers, in some cases literally, high above the common Imperial masses. You expected their obedience and lived upon the fruits of their toil, surrendered to your extended family in solemn fealty. It was an upbringing amidst proud scions, wastrel lords, and high-priced retainers of silent, watchful competence. All the distractions available to the wealthy, bored elite were arrayed before you for the taking, day after day—a panoply of decadence to enervate the body and transport the mind. Those were years of fantastical exhibitions, sordid entanglements, strange drugs, conspiracies for the sake of show, mindless rivalries, and carefully hidden violence.
    Effect: You gain the Decadence Talent and a bonus of +3 to Agility or Fellowship (your choice). You suffer –3 Perception and 1d5 Corruption Points.

  • Chosen by Destiny:
    Fated for Greatness: You gain +1 Fate Point, but you also suffer 1d10+1 Insanity Points.

  • Dark Voyage:
    Things Man Was Not Meant to Know: You may gain a single Forbidden Lore Skill pertaining to your experiences (or may increase a Forbidden Lore Skill you already possesses by one level), or may gain the Resistance (Fear) Talent.
    Marked by Darkness: Haunted by your experiences, you gain 1d5 Insanity Points.

  • Prestige:
    The Imperium of Mankind is a grand hierarchy, and that, to your eyes, is a ladder reaching from the least peasant to the blinding heights of the God-Emperor’s own Holy Terra. You have dedicated your life to climbing that ladder in search of the highest station you can reach: the greatest power, the most important position of leadership, the utmost influence. Wealth, renown, and relationships with the powerful are only important insofar as they enable you to reach that next step. All too many fools never reach upward, but you bear them no ill-will. The position they might have ascended to will be yours, and they will be your loyal servants in the years ahead.
    Effect: You gain your choice of the Talented (choose one) Talent or the Peer (choose one) Talent.

  • Conquest-class Star Galleon "Звёздная Жемчужина"
    Dimensions: 5.1 km long, 0.7 km abeam at fins approx.
    Mass: 30 megatonnes approx.
    Crew: 65,000 crew, approx
    Accel: 2.1 gravities max sustainable acceleration.

    Speed: 4
    Manoeuvrability: +5
    Detection: +10
    Hull Integrity: 65
    Armour: 16
    Turret Rating: 1
    Space: 56
    SP: 52
    Weapon Capacity: Port 2, Starboard 2
    Galleon: The Star Galleon comes pre-equipped with two Main Cargo Hold Components (see page 203 of the Rogue Trader core rulebook.) The hull’s space has already been reduced to account for this; however, when the ship is constructed it must be able to provide four Power to these Components.
    Hybrid Vessel: The Star Galleon may be equipped with Transport or Cruiser Components. However, if the Component has both a Transport and a Cruiser variant, it must take the Cruiser variant.

  • Machine Spirit: Blasphemous Tendencies: Some unidentifiable aspect of this vessel’s spirit resonates sympathetically with the Immaterium. Captains find this ship swims through the warp more easily, as if it was more at home there... All
    Navigation Tests made to pilot this vessel through the warp gain a +15 bonus. However, while aboard the ship, all crew suffer –5 to Willpower based Tests.

  • Past Histories: Turbulent Past: Over the years this ship has been used to perform deeds dastardly to some and heroic to others. The GM selects a social group (pirates, heretics, the Imperial Navy, the Inquisition, or inhabitants of an important locale like Footfall). All ship’s crew suffer a –20 to social Skill Tests when interacting with that group. The GM then selects a second group naturally opposed to the first. All ship’s crew gain +20 to social Skills when interacting with that group. The additional problems that could arise from being hated by a particular group of people are limitless.
    Enemy: Heretics
    Friend: the Imperial Navy

  • Drive:
    Jovian-pattern class 8.3 drive
    Power: 74
    Space: 15
    Reliable Construction: If this Component becomes damaged, depressurized, or suffers a Critical Hit (including a 4 or 6 result on the chart), roll 1d10. On a 4 or higher, the effect is ignored.

  • Warp engine:
    Miloslav h-616.b Warp engine
    Many ancient vessels, particularly cruisers, heavy cruisers and grand cruisers of the early Imperium utilised a variety of highly advanced experimental technologies. Many of these technological advances have since been discredited in the eyes of the adepts of Mars, and are now regarded as unreliable and prone to catastrophic malfunction. The H-616.b warp engine sits on the border of such suspect designs, not quite heretical, but somehow tainted with the scent of the profane. Capable of great speed during warp transits, the engine is notably less secure than later designs, 32 I: The Weapons of War more prone to attract hostile warp entities and generate dissonant warp currents capable of swamping the entire ship.
    Haste of the Damned: Reduce the duration of all warp passages by half. However, roll on the Warp Travel Encounters table (page 186 of Rogue Trader) every three days rather than every five days.

  • Gellar field:
    Emergency Field
    Some captains equip their Gellar field generators with emergency cogitation circuits that activate the field automatically upon detecting the warp. Though many scorn the idea because of the extra power draw, and others are distrustful of automated circuitry, such devices have saved ships in the past.
    Auto-engagement routines: If the ship unexpectedly enters the warp, roll 1d10. On a 3 or higher, the Gellar Field activates automatically, protecting the ship from any warp intrusion that may have taken place.

  • Warpsbane Hull
    The entire hull of the vessel is covered with silver, handinscribed hexagramic wards. These reinforce a Geller Field projected from a 50 metre statue of an Imperial Saint, located just fore of the bridge.
    Shield of Faith: Any Navigation Tests to pilot the ship through the warp gain a +10 bonus. When rolling on Table 7-4: Warp Travel Encounters (see page 186), the GM rolls twice and allows the Navigator to chose which result is applied.

  • Void Shields:
    Repulsor Shield Array
    These standard void shield arrays have had their frequencies adjusted to better brush aside stellar debris and detritus.
    Void Shield: This Component counts as a ship’s Void Shield, giving the ship two void shields.
    Charged particle repulsion effect: The ship does not suffer penalties to Manoeuvre Actions when travelling through nebulas, ice rings, plasma clouds or other celestial phenomena consisting primarily of small particles.

  • Bridge:
    Exploration Bridge
    A bridge favoured by the Explorators of the Mechanicus, its cogitation circuitry provides optimum interface with hololithic charts and auger arrays.
    Long Range Scanning: This ship gains +5 Detection when using Active Augury.
    Navigation Records: When working towards an Exploration objective, the players earn an additional 50 Endeavour Points.

  • Life Sustainer:
    Clemency-pattern Life sustainer
    This sustainer augments the traditional water filters and air purifiers with thousands of individual emergency-oxygen tanks and void suits stored in pressure-sensitive lockers at regular intervals throughout the ship. Such extensive redundancies as well as multiple pressure bulkheads reduce the impact of hull breaches upon a ship, allowing the crew to rush to patch them before too many are lost to the void.
    Lifeline: Increase Morale permanently by +1. This starship reduces Crew Population and Morale losses due to Depressurization by 4, to a minimum of 0.

  • Crew Quarters:
    Clan-kin Quarters
    The ship’s crew is made up of a ‘kin-brotherhood’ of bonded voidsmen. Tenaciously loyal, they see their ship as no different than a homeworld, and will die to defend it.
    For Hearth and Home!: All Command Tests to defend against boarding and hit and run actions gain +5. In addition, all sources of Morale loss are reduced by 1, to a minimum of 1.

  • Auger Array:
    Deep Void Auger Array
    These, quite simply, are the some of the best sensors created by the Adeptus Mechanicus, and are reserved for their own ships and Imperial Naval scout vessels.
    External: This Component does not require hull space. Although it is external, it can only be destroyed or damaged by a Critical Hit.
    Eye of the Omnissiah: The exceptional sensitivity of the array grants +10 to the ship’s Detection.

  • Weaponry:
    2xHecutor-pattern Plasma Battery, Power: 8 Space: 3 SP: 2 Str: 3 Damage: 1d10+2 Crit Rating: 4 Range: 11
    The Hecutor Pattern plasma battery is an ancient variant of plasma macroweaponry that refocuses the power of the plasma “blast,” concentrating it into a compressed photonic packet that can be fired over extremely long distances. It is rare to see these on any but the oldest vessels, meaning many are found on heretic vessels lost to the forces of Chaos millennia ago.
    Vapourisation: When this Weapon Component rolls a 1 or 2 on the Critical Hit Chart, it effects two Components instead of one.

  • 2xJovian-pattern Landing Bay, Power: 1 Space: 6 SP: 2 Str: 2
    Jovian-pattern Landing Bays are equipped with dedicated launch ports for launching attack craft and magnetic guidance coils for steering them safely back on board after a mission. The absence of an outer exposed landing bay is believed to make the Jovian pattern less prone to damage or catastrophic depressurization than other patterns such as those preferred by the Lathe worlds.

  • Pilot chambers
    There is a special kind of esprit de corps for those that fly the myriad attack craft on a starship. From hotshot Fury interceptors to steadfast Starhawk bomber crews to Shark attack boat daredevils, their skills and readiness can mean life or death for the entire ship. Launch bays equipped with ready rooms allow them to maintain constant readiness for the next mission. Training sensoria systems allow them to constantly hone their skills and Ministorum chapels allow them to ready their souls, all making them into relentless and deadly weapons.
    Combat Ready: Pilot Chambers grant a +2 bonus to the Attack Craft Rating of all squadrons aboard a starship.

  • Manufactorum
    These small construction facilities are capable of synthesising additional parts required to perform Extended Repairs for a damaged starship. These parts are synthesised from raw materials—generally obtained by mining a nearby asteroid.
    Manufacturing: If attempting extended repairs, each Manufactorum adds a +10 bonus to the weekly Tech-Use Test. If paying for repairs, each Manufactorum adds a +10 bonus to the Acquisition Test to restore Hull Integrity.
    Additional Templates: Manufactorums are equipped with a variety of templates for construction, so each Manufactorum adds an additional 10 Achievement Points for any Trade objectives. In addition, the Manufactorums may be able to manufacture small numbers of personal items. The GM is final arbiter of what can and cannot be manufactured, but generally it should not be more than a few dozen of a Common item.

  • Medicae deck
    A life of exploration invariably leads to encounters with unexpected life. This unexpected life can lead to unexpected injuries as well as novel diseases. Every living quarters includes a basic infirmary, but those are not equipped for every variety of injury or disease. Similarly, an infirmary is not equipped to treat the number of badly injured survivors from a badly damaged ship or planet-wide epidemic. A Medicae Deck offers the facilities and staff to address both of these possibilities.
    Diagnostics and Treatment: The Medicae Deck adds a +20 bonus to all Medicae Skill Tests performed within this Component.
    The number of patients that may be treated without penalty is increased to three times the character’s Intelligence Bonus.

  • 2xMain Cargo Hold
    This hold was designed for moving bulk cargo.
    Stowed and Secured: When working towards a Trade objective, the players earn an additional 125 Achievement Points towards completing that objective.

  • Good-Craftmanship Librarium Vault
    An ancient collection of writings and manuscripts has been collected aboard this vessel.
    Accumulated Data: Any Investigation Skill Tests made aboard this ship gains +10.

  • Генератор Нуль-поля

    Space: 5
    Power: 17

| WS 38 | BS 42 | St 38 | Tg 40 | Ag 34 | Int 31 | Per 29 | WP 32 | Fel 27 | Wounds 13/13 | Fatigue 0/7 | FP 1/2 |
Stealin' property is ma life (⌐■_■)
YASTREB2009Дата: Суббота, 04.03.2017, 22:01 | Сообщение # 36
Капитан XI роты
Группа: Ветераны
Сообщений: 5992
Награды: 2
Слава: 870
Статус: Offline
Вальтер Новотберг
Начальные умения: Общие Знания (Война, Имперский Флот) (Инт), Запретные Знания (Ксеносы) (Инт), Навигация
(Звёздная) (Инт), Пилотирование (Космический Корабль, Авиация) (Лов), Учёные Знания (Астромантия) (Инт), Знание
Языка (Низкий Готик) (Инт)
Начальные таланты: Выучка с Пистолетами (Универсальный), Выучка с Рукопашным Оружием (Универсальный), Стальные
Начальное Снаряжение: силовой меч обычного качества. Ручная пушка лучшего качества. Флак броня гвардейца. Микро-наушник, скафандр, благословлённый жетон корабля,
противогаз, форма Имперского Флота, 2 бутылки амасека, пикт-рекодер, вокс-передачик.


Добавлено (02.03.2017, 21:32)
реролл 5
реролл 4

Добавлено (02.03.2017, 21:59)
Проныра (ловкость рук)
Преступник (долг перед династией)
Потерпевший бедствие (чуткий сон, закалённый)
Испытание (+1 рана)
WS: 25+6 = 31
BS: 25+11+5 = 41
St: 25+10-5 = 30
Tg: 25+9-3 = 31
Ag: 25+18+5+3+5 = 56
Int: 25+10 = 35
Per: 25+9+3 = 37
WP: 25+6+5 = 36
Fel: 25+11 = 36
W: 8
FP: 5

/2 инсенити

Ловкость +5 - 100
БС +5 - 100
Грамотность - 200
Уклонение - 100

Добавлено (04.03.2017, 01:46)
4 судьба, +150 экспы

Истребитель "Ярость" "Победоносный Трёхочковый"
Вооружение: 2 спаренные лазпушки, 6 управляемых ракет (4д10+10, пен 8; точный, второй пилот джинкует)
Броня: 34 лоб, 32 борт, 28 тыл; 30 ХП, +15 маневренность. Крейсерская скорость 11.

Добавлено (04.03.2017, 22:00)
3 очка, +100 экспы
250 экспы сумма

Добавлено (04.03.2017, 22:01)
+5 агилки
0 экспы

Гарул: WS: 43 BS: 53 S: 40 T: 40 Ag: 49 Int: 40 Per: 33 WP: 57 Fel: 56 | W 3/25, 0/3 FP
Болтов: 27/30/30, 12/12/12 | Плазма: 0/3/12| гранат: 2 фраг, 2 кряк | стимуляторы: 0/6
Эн: WS: 30 BS: 37 S: 34 T: 42 Ag: 32 Int: 35 Per: 32 WP: 35 Fel: 37 | W 15/15, 3/3 FP
KamissarДата: Суббота, 25.03.2017, 23:15 | Сообщение # 37
Капитан IX роты
Группа: Ветераны
Сообщений: 5333
Награды: 5
Слава: 1684
Статус: Offline

Добавлено (25.03.2017, 23:15)

Вильвет Фроаде: WS:37 BS:40 S:38 T:33 AG:35 Int:36 Per:31 WP:39 Fel:63 W:12 FP:4

Дозеп: WS:60 BS:43 S:53(73) T:50 AG:50 Int:45 Per:46 WP:40 Fel:37 W:22 FP:3

Unreal0602Дата: Воскресенье, 02.04.2017, 00:52 | Сообщение # 38
Капитан V роты. Пенетратор тиранов
Группа: Администратум
Сообщений: 1588
Награды: 12
Слава: 1376
Статус: Offline
  • Name: Додонко Тауг
    Class: Imperial Psyker
    Path of Origin: Mind Cleansed
    Divination: “A mind without purpose will wander in dark places.” Gain 1 Fate Point.
    Backgrounds: A Shadow Over Thy Soul, Proven Innocent, Living Nightmare
    Alternate Ranks: Savant Militant (Rank 4) replaced for Templar Calix of the Scholastica Psykana

  • Характеристики:
    WS: 20+16+3+15 = 54
    BS: 20+15+3 = 38
    St: 20+13+3 = 36
    Tg: 20+12+3 = 35
    Ag: 20+17+3+10 = 50
    Int: 20+15+3+5 = 43
    Per: 20+15+3 = 38
    WP: 25+19+3+5+20 = 72
    Fel: 15+14+3 = 32
    Insanity: 5+1+1 = 7
    Corruption: 4
    W: 12+1
    FP: 3

  • Троны: 30
  • Weapons:
    Best-Craftmanship Mono Knife (Psykana mercy blade) (Melee, Thrown; 3m; Damage 1d5+1 R; Pen 2; +10 to hit; 0.5 kg)
    Force Reliquary Sword (Melee; Damage 1d10+2+Psy-rating+SB R; Pen 3+Psy-rating; Balanced, Sanctified, +10 to hit; 3kg)
    Best-Craftmanship Westingkrup Carnodon Pattern Precision Hand Cannon (Pistol; 35m; S/3/–; Damage 1d10+4 I; Pen 2; Clip 6; Reload Full; Accurate, Reliable, Proven (4); 2.5kg +0.5kgX2+1.5kg for upgrades) with Red-Dot Laser Sight, Targeter and Silencer
    Best-Craftmanship Mono Staff (Melee; Damage 1d10+1 I; Pen 2; Balanced, Two-Handed, +10 to hit; 3kg) with Psy-Focus
    In Rhino:
    Autocannon (Heavy; 300m; S/2/5; Damage 4d10+5 I; Pen 4; Clip 20; 2Full; —; 55kg+2kg for tripod) with Tripod
    Grenade Launcher (Basic; 60m; S/–/–; Damage and armour penetation of used ammunition; Clip 6; Full; Special rules of used ammunition; 9kg)
    Missile Launcher (Heavy; 250m; S/–/–; Damage and armour penetation of used ammunition; Clip 1; Full; Special rules of used ammunition; 35kg)
    MP Lasscannon (Heavy; 300m; S/–/–; Damage 5d10+10 E; Pen 10; Clip 5; 2Full; —; 55kg)
    Meltagun (Basic; 20m; S/–/–; Damage 2d10+4 E; Pen 12; Clip 5; 2Full; —; 8 kg)
    2xFlamer (Basic; 20m; S/–/–; Damage 1d10+4 E; Pen 3; Clip 3; 2Full; Flame; 6kg)
    Heavy Flamer (Heavy; 30m; S/–/–; Damage 2d10+4 E; Pen 4; Clip 10; 2Full; Flame; 45kg)
  • Ammunition: 20 Man-Stopper Bullets, 40 Bullets
    In Rhino:
    960 bullets and 100 Man-Stopper Bullets, 200 Autocannon Shells, 3xCharge Packs for Lascannon, 10xMelta Canister (Basic), 20xFuel Canister (Basic), 5xFuel Canister (Heavy)
  • Explosive:
    In Rhino:
    5xMeltabomb, 60kg of Promethium, 10xCressin Pattern Limpet Mine
    10xFrag Missiles (Damage 2d10 X; Pen 4; Blast (6); 0.5kg)
    20xKrak Missiles (Damage 3d10+10 X; Pen 10; Blast (1); 1.5kg)
    60xMark III Frag Grenade (Thrown; SB×3m; Damage 2d10 X; Pen 0; Blast (5); 0.8kg)
    15xStun Grenade (Thrown; SB×3m; Blast (3); 0.2kg)
    15xChoke Gas Grenade (Thrown; SB×3m; Blast (1d10+3); 0.5kg)
  • Armour and Clothes:
    Refraction Field (Brontian Pattern) (Protection Rating 30; Overload on 01-10; 0.4kg)
    Best-Quality Environmental Body Glove (Head, Arms, Body, Legs; AP 2; +10 bonus on Survival Tests; 2.5kg) equipped with a re-breather and photo-contacts
    Best-Quality Synskin (Head, Arms, Body, Legs; AP 2; +10 bonus to Concealment and Silent Move Tests, Wearer invisible to the effects of infra-red goggles and Dark Sight; 1kg)
    Best-Quality Slither Boots (Legs; AP 4 (7 against corrosives); Slither boots provide a +10 bonus to Agility Tests made to maintain footing in treacherous or slick conditions; 3kg)
    Very Big Hat
    In Rhino:
    Best-Craftmanship Wind Armour (Head, Arms, Body, Legs; AP 4; Immunity to environmental effects of strong wind and dire storms; 9kg)
  • Gear:
    Best-Crafmanship Backpack, Cameleoline Cloak, Good-Craftmanship Weapon/Gear Storage, Dice, Sanctioning brand, Good-Quality Chrono, Good-Quality Data-Slate, Good-Quality Glow-Globe, Best-Craftmanship Micro-Bead, Good-Quality Pict-Recorder, Good-Craftmanship Poi-Savant, Best-Craftmanship Thermal Gloves, Good-Quality Bedroll, Good-Craftmanship Mess Kit, Good-Craftmanship Personal Grooming Kit, Good-Quality Weapon Maintenance Kit, Best-Craftmanship Clip Harness/Drop Harness, Grapnel, Magnacles, 2xGood-Quality Ration Packs, Multicompass
    In Rhino:
    Thurible, 10xExplosive collar, Excruciator Kit, 6xMagnacles, 6xInjectors
  • Drugs and Consumables: Synth-Skin aerosol, Bottle of Best-Quality Amasec
    In Rhino:
    6xDe-Tox, 6xCounterseptics, 2xSynth-Skin aerosols, 3xTorpor, 5xDrusine Incense, 2xBest-Quality Medikit, 5kg of Meltagel, 18xStimm, 5xRecaf, 60xGood-Quality Ration Packs
  • Rhino APC (Rogue Trader - Into The Storm, pg.186) with Best-Craftmanship Power Field (Vehicle) (Protection Rating 80; Overload only on 01; 500kg)

  • Experience:
  • Starting EXP: 10000exp
  • Total EXP: 10000exp
  • Free EXP: 0exp

  • Starting Skills: Forbidden Lore (Daemonology) (Int), Deceive (Fel), Intimidate (S), Speak Language (Low Gothic) (Int), Psyniscience (Per), Invocation (WP), Trade (Merchant) (Fel), Literacy (Int).
  • Starting Talents: Dark Soul, Jaded, Pistol Weapon Training (SP, Las), Resistance (Psychic Powers), Melee Weapon Training (Primitive), Psy Rating 1.

  • Bought Skills: Awareness+10 200Exp, Common Lore (Imperium) 100Exp, Forbidden Lore (Warp) 100Exp, Dodge+20 300Exp, Blather 100Exp, Forbidden Lore (Psykers) 100Exp, Sleight of Hand 200Exp, Psyniscience (Per)+10 100Exp, Acrobatics+10 200Exp, Drive (Ground Vehicle) 100Exp, Pilot (Civilian Craft) 100Exp, Search 100Exp, Charm 100Exp, Speak Language (High Gothic) 100Exp, Concealment 100Exp
  • Bought Talents: Hatred (Daemons) 100Exp, Quick Draw 100Exp, Ambidextrous 100Exp, Meditation 100Exp, Leap Up 100Exp, Light Sleeper 100Exp, Rapid Reload 100Exp, Psy-Rating 2 200Exp, Rapid Reaction 100Exp, Unshakeable Faith 100Exp, Blademaster 100Exp, Blind Fighting 100Exp, Crippling Strike 100Exp, Hard Target 100Exp, Sure Strike 100Exp, Precise Blow 100Exp, Resistance (Fear) 100Exp, Swift Attack 200Exp, Lightning Reflexes 200Exp, Counter-attack 200Exp, Combat Master 200Exp, Psy Rating 3 200Exp, Step Aside 300Exp, Wall of Steel 300Exp, Psy Rating 4 200Exp, Disarm 100Exp
  • Bought Сharacteristics: Intelligence +5 100Exp, Agility +10 1250Exp, Willpower +20 1600Exp, Weapon Skill +15 850Exp

  • Psychic Powers:
    Fire Storm
    Blood Boil, Cellural Control, Toxic Siphon, Regenerate, Seal Wounds

  • Minor Psychic Powers: Unnatural Aim, Float, Sense Presence, White Noise, Precognition, Spectral Hands, Knack, Torch, Trick, Lucky, Chameleon, Truth-Seeker, Twitch, Without a Trace, Suggestion, Wall Walk

  • Sanctioning Side Effects:
    Pain through Nerve Induction: The skin on the back of your right hand is horribly scarred. You are uncomfortable around bald, robed women.

  • Traits:

  • Engram Implantation
    With portions of the subjects’ minds left more or less as blank slates waiting to be filled, their reprogrammers often use egramatic induction to burn a variety of useful skill patterns directly into the Acolyte’s cortex.
    Effect: You begin play with Deceive (Fel) and Intimidate (S) skills. You treat Common Lore (Tech) (Int) and Survival (Int) as Basic Skills. You also begin with the Jaded and Pistol Weapon Training (SP and Las) talents.

  • Failsafe Control
    All Mind Cleansed Inquisitorial agents have a failsafe command trigger implanted in their minds to prevent them from turning on their masters. Only the relevant NPC (their Inquisitor for example), should ever have access to this trigger, which usually must be delivered telepathically or by a specific sonic cadence (a simple code phrase is usually judged too risky).
    Effect: The trigger works just like the use of the Dominate Psychic Power (see page 178 in Dark Heresy). If the trigger is successful, you may be given an order or set of instructions you must carry out to the best of your abilities. However, if the command is antithetical or directly harmful to you, you may receive an appropriate bonus to resist the control.

  • Imperial Conditioning
    Inquisition mind-scrubs are usually carried out to destroy selective memories but leave useful skills intact. Likewise the mind is often implanted with psychic barriers to prevent tampering, increase mental resilience and ensure loyalty.
    Effect: You gain a +10 bonus on Willpower Tests made to resist Fear or attempts to control or possess your mind (psychically, chemically or otherwise).

  • Through A Mirror Darkly
    The mind cleansing process has numerous side effects, including an eroding effect on the subject’s sanity and unique dangers of its own for the character.
    Effect: You start play with 1d5+2 Insanity Points. At the GMs discretion, certain rare events, individuals and even things like phrases, sights, and smells may trigger “repressed” memories— roll on Table 1-3: Shards of Memory. When this occurs you must pass a Willpower Test or roll on the Shock Table (see page 233 in Dark Heresy)—note that your conditioning and any Talents that resist Fear or Insanity don’t help with this.

  • A Shadow Over Thy Soul
    Cost: 200 xp
    Skills: You start the game with Forbidden Lore (Daemonology) (Int).
    Talents: You gain the Dark Soul talent.

  • Proven Innocent
    Cost: 100Exp
    Institutionalisation: The Acolyte has been indoctrinated into the belief that the Holy Ordos are infallable (after all, he was innocent, and his prison branding proves it).
    The Acolyte is immune to any attempts to Charm, Command, Deceive, or Intimidate him into acting against his Inquisitorial masters.
    If he wishes to act against his own cell or the Inquisition he must succeed in a Hard(-30) Willpower Test.

  • Living Nightmare
    Cost: 300Exp
    Talents: Gain Resistance (Psychic Powers).
    Unreadable Mind: The deep recesses of your mind cannot be read by psychic (or other) means and any attempt to do so simply finds a fathomless void of darkness.
    You are completely immune to the Psychic Power, Mind Scan, as well as any similar effects or abilities.

| WS 38 | BS 42 | St 38 | Tg 40 | Ag 34 | Int 31 | Per 29 | WP 32 | Fel 27 | Wounds 13/13 | Fatigue 0/7 | FP 1/2 |
Stealin' property is ma life (⌐■_■)
MonefektoДата: Воскресенье, 02.04.2017, 00:54 | Сообщение # 39
Капитан VII роты
Группа: Администратум
Сообщений: 5711
Награды: 6
Слава: 2366
Статус: Offline
Правила для кампании: Когда часы пробьют 12 раз.

В первом акте разрешены все дополнения и все оружие.

Запрещены классы
Серый рыцарь.
Спейс марины из ДВ
Сестры милитант только с лором.

Дополнительный материалы по желанию.
Гвардейцы генерируются по ОВ
Добавлен класс РТ трансцендентный астропат.
Разрешено совмещение не взаимоисключающих историй.

Всего опыта на человека.

Всего тронов на человека

Очки влияния равны половине десятков вашего стартового опыта.

KamissarДата: Воскресенье, 02.04.2017, 17:25 | Сообщение # 40
Капитан IX роты
Группа: Ветераны
Сообщений: 5333
Награды: 5
Слава: 1684
Статус: Offline

  • Имя: Таматика.
  • Происхождение: Великий Мир-кузня.
  • Класс: Техножрец-неприкасаемый


    • WS: 15+12=27
    • BS: 20+18=38
    • St: 20+16=36 (х2)
    • Tg: 20+19+20=59
    • Ag: 20+17=37
    • Int: 25+19+20=64 (х2)
    • Per: 20+16=36
    • WP: 20+14+26=60
    • Fel: 20-10+4=14
    • Insanity: 6
    • Corruption: 0
    • W: 20
    • FP: 3

  • Умения Уроженца Мира-кузницы:
    Умения Обыденное Знание (Технология) (Инт) и Обыденное Знание (Культ Машины) (Инт) для тебя являются Базовыми Умениями.
  • Особенности Уроженцев Мира-кузницы
    Дети владений Омниссии начинают игру со следующими Особенностями. Запиши их на лист персонажа:
  • Годен
    Обитателей миров-кузниц постоянно тестируют, направляют в то или иное русло, тренируют с самого рождения и до тех пор, пока они не займут предначертанное им место в жизни. Слабость неприемлема, а провал чреват болезненными стимулами, побуждающими более не терпеть неудач. Даже тот, кто идет по пути изгоев, должен быть лучше равных себе, чтобы выжить.
    Эффект: В зависимости от выбранной Профессии, увеличь одну из Характеристик персонажа на +3: (Гвардеец – Баллистик)
  • Чуждый Культу
    Хотя уроженцы миров-кузниц знают, что Император – их бог и спаситель, они рассматривают Имперское Кредо сквозь линзы доктрины Культа Механикус. Из-за этого они способны выказывать удивительную (и порой даже опасную) неосведомленность, когда речь заходит о знании самых обыденных учений и практик Экклезиархии и оказания должного почтения её служителям.
    Эффект: Персонаж получает штраф -10 на все Тесты, включающие знание Имперского Кредо и штраф -5 на Тесты Товарищества при взаимодействии с членами Экклезиархии в формальной обстановке.
  • Кредо Омниссия
    Не будучи последователями Имперского Культа, даже нижайшие из членов общества мира-кузницы посвящены в таинства основных ритуалов почитания и умиротворения духов машины.
    Эффект: Ты получаешь Талант Ритуал Освобождения

  • Стартовые Умения: Язык (Низкий Готик) (Инт), Технология (Инт), Грамотность (Инт), Тайный Язык (Техно) (Инт), Ремесло (Переписчик) (Инт).
  • Стартовые Таланты: Оружие Ближнего Боя (Примитив), Основное Оружие (Лаз), Пистолеты (Лаз), Электропривой.
  • Стартовое Имущество: Металлический посох, лаз-пистолет и 1 батарея, нож, драконья чешуя лучшего качества, светильник, дата-планшет, роба и регалии Механикус (Одежды Хорошего Качества), 1d10 запчастей (батарейки, проводки, хронометры и т.п.), фиал Священного Машинного Масла.

  • Особенность: Стальное Сердце
    (Heart of Steel)
    Никогда не бывшие образцом сердечности и человечности, солдаты Багряной Гвардии беспощадны, бесчувственны и суровы, особенно на взгляд тех, кто незнаком с холодным логическим мышлением, свойственным Адептус Механикус в целом. Однако те же самые нюансы, что делают общение с другими людьми затруднительным, в глазах Механикусов служат лишь показателем благонадёжности: при общении солдата Багряной Гвардии с членами Культа Механикус, он может использовать свой Интеллект вместо Товарищества.

  • Особенность: Железная Кожа
    (Skin of Iron)
    Механические аугментации и кибернетические замены не только распространены, но и весьма желательны в сообще-стве Культа Машины. К концу карьеры Техножрецы сохраняют весьма небольшую часть своей изначальной плоти: их части тел, кровь и даже отдельные участки мозга заменяют чистой синтетикой и механическими компонентами. Багряная Гвардия – не исключение, и по мере того, как Венаторий продвигается по службе, его тело принимает всё новые и новые модификации. Взяв этот Альтернативный Ранг, персонаж автоматически и бесплатно получает одно кибернетическое улучшение. Каждые два Ранга после этого (на Рангах 3, 5 и 7) Аколит должен либо выбрать ещё одно улучшение, либо сделать одну из существующих модификаций Высококачественной.

    Опыт: 10 000

    Базовые улучшения:
    1600 – улучшение выносливости
    1600 – улучшение интеллекта
    1600 – улучшение силы воли
    400 - Неприкасаемый

    Ранг 1. Улучшения Технографа:
    100 – Запретное знание (Адептус Механикус)
    100 – оценка
    100 – логика
    100 – бинарный диалог
    100 (200) – крепкое телосложение х2

    Ранг 2. Улучшение Механика:
    100 – Безопасность
    100 – Взрывотехника
    100 – Ранвый (адептус механикус)
    100 – Плоть слаба
    100 – Крепкое телосложение

    Ранг 3. Улучшение Электрожреца.
    100 - Обыденное знание (Империум)
    100 – Крепкое телосложение
    200 – Логис Имплант

    Ранг 4. Улучшение Инженера-Провидца.
    100 – абсолютная память
    100 – плоть слаба
    200 – крепкое телосложение
    200 – светоносный щит
    200 – логис –пророчество

    Ранг 5. Улучшения Техножреца.
    100 – Запретное знание (Архиотех)
    100 – Ученое знание (Архаика)
    100 – крепкое телосложение
    200 - Экзотическое Оружие (Интегрированное)
    100 - Выучка с плазменным оружием.
    300 – сбор информации

    Ранг 6. Улучшение Техноманта.
    100 – Поиск
    100 – Бесстрашный
    100 – Прсыщенный
    100 - Автосангвина
    200 – Плоть слаба
    200 – Крепкое телосложение
    400 – Светоносный барьер

    Ранг 7. Улучшение Киберпровидца.
    200 – Крепкое телосложение
    100 – Шаг в сторону
    100 – Дальновидность

    Ранг 8. Улучшение Магоса.
    - Ранг получен.

    Бионическое шасси – 15 000 – лучшего качества
    Кортикальный Имплант – 50 000 – Лучшего качества
    Бионические Руки х2 – 20 000 – лучшего качества
    МИУ – 17 500 – лучшего качества
    Охранный амулет – 30 000
    Усиленная Конденсаторная катушка – 6 000
    Черепная броня – 6 000
    Драконья чешуя – 75 000 – Лучшего качества
    Фазированная плазменная винтовка х2 (Компактная, лазерные прицелы) – 2 600 – Обычного качества
    Интегрированная система вооружения - 400
    Вокс-бусинка - 200 - Лучшее качество.
    Герметическое Вливание - 17 000 (Пожертвование фонда Константина)
    Симулякр Янус - 20 000 (Пожертвование фонда Константина)
    Синтетические мышцы - Лучшее качество
    Локационный имплант - Лучшее качество
    Подкожная броня - Перманентно (+2 ОБ)

Вильвет Фроаде: WS:37 BS:40 S:38 T:33 AG:35 Int:36 Per:31 WP:39 Fel:63 W:12 FP:4

Дозеп: WS:60 BS:43 S:53(73) T:50 AG:50 Int:45 Per:46 WP:40 Fel:37 W:22 FP:3

negbiДата: Понедельник, 03.04.2017, 22:35 | Сообщение # 41
Группа: Ветераны
Сообщений: 3610
Награды: 0
Слава: 113
Статус: Offline
Константин Крофт
Искатель Демониум, Расхититель Сибеллуса, легат-дознаватель

Starting Skills: Speak Language (Low Gothic) (Int), Literacy (Int), Trade (Copyist) (Int), Common Lore (Imperium) (Int), Scholastic Lore (Legend) (Int).
Starting Talents: Pistol Training (SP), Resistance (Cold), Sprint.
Starting Gear: Stub revolver and 6 bullets or staff, Administratum robes (Common Quality Clothing), auto-quill or writing kit, chrono or hour glass, data-slate or illuminated tome, backpack

Расхититель из Сибеллуса - 200 ехр
Skills: The character is trained in the following skills:
Barter, Evaluate, Tech-Use, Trade (Prospector)
Hive Operator: In the Underhive, the Acolyte treats
items with Availability of Average or less as one step lower, to a minimum of Abundant

Int +20 1350
Wp +20 1600
Fel +10 750
Melee Weapon Training (Primitive) 200
Melee Weapon Training (Shock) 200
Literacy +10
FL (Cults)
SL (Legends) +10
FL (Cults) +10
FL (Heresy)
SL (Legends) +20
SL (Occult)
Literacy +20
Medicae +10
Talanted (Medicae)
Master Chirurgeon
FL (Mutants)
High Gothic 100
Charm 300
SL Cryptology 100
SL numerology 100
Tech-use+10 200
Tech-use +20 200
FL Archeotech 300
Jaded 300

Forbidden Lore (Daemonology) 100
Talanted (daemonology) 100
Forbidden Lore (The Black Library) 100
Ciphers (Occult) 100
Deadeye Shot 200
Minor Daemonym 100
Lesser Daemonym 500
Greater Daemonym 500

Interrogation +20 400
Inquiry +20 300
Talented (Inquiry) 200
Talented (Interrogation) 200
Scrutiny +10 200
Command 100
Ciphers (Inquisition) 200
Air of Authority 200
Navigate (Surface) 100


“Kill the alien before it can speak its lies.” Increase Agility by +2.

WS: 20
BS: 20+10
S: 20+10
T: 15+15
Ag: 20+10+2
Int: 20+20+20
Per: 20+10
WP: 20+20 +20
Fel: 25+10 +5

Снаряга альпиниста 25
Кошка 30
Re-breather 50
Меднабор 150
Хамелиолин 500
Экскруциатор 375
Ауспекс 145
Авто-перо 55
Мультиключ 150
Стаммер 25
Глазной катехезистор 250
Вокс-перехватчик короткого радиуса действия 500
Микро-бусина 200
Плеть лучшего качества 3750
Модные пистолеты 24000
Ячеистая броня лучшего качества 3750
Отражающее поле хорошего качества 30000
Гримуар Истинных имен 5000
Замена Крови Таматике 17000
Доспех бурь отличного качества 22000
Симулякр Янус для Таматики 20000

Йеремия, WS 49 BS 49 S 42 T 42 Ag 48 Int 44 Per 44 WP 59 Fel 57
W: 17/30, И: 3/6
Мк IV "Максимус" (-1 все), камоклоак, цепной меч, болтер, болт-пистолет, х30 болтов

Кион, WS 56 BS 39 S 53 T 50 Ag 57 Int 41 Per 44 WP 41 Fel 37
W: 23/30, И: 3/6
Мк IV "Максимус" (все -1), Цепной меч, болтер, болт-пистолет, 60 болтов

Каранка, WS 54 BS 45 S 54 T 52 Ag 60 Int 43 Per 46 WP 44 Fel 38
W: 28/30, И:4/6
Мк IV "Максимус" (-2 АР в правой ноге, все -1), камелиолиновая накидка, болт-пистолет, "Сталкер" - мастеркрафт, х60 болтов "Сталкер", х60 болтов, 5 ножей - мастеркрафт.

Зартан, WS 49 BS 54 S 51 T 51 Ag 39 Int 52 Per 40 WP 47 Fel 34
W: 16/30, И:4/8
Мк III "Железный" (все -1, кроме шлема), нож, плазменная винтовка+1 магазин, болтер, х30 болтов, набор инструментов

Сообщение отредактировал negbi - Среда, 05.04.2017, 21:46
menstrologДата: Четверг, 06.04.2017, 20:10 | Сообщение # 42
Группа: Гости легиона
Сообщений: 539
Награды: 0
Слава: 29
Статус: Offline
Нейл Риттер
Home world: Imperial World
Career path: Assassin, Imperator-Mortis.
Penalty: Your wise blindness imposes a –5 penalty on Forbidden Lore (Int) Tests.
Increase your Willpower by +3.
Basic skills: Common Lore (Imperial Creed) (Int), Common Lore (Imperium) (Int), Common Lore (War) (Int), Literacy (Int)Speak Language (High Gothic) (Int), Speak Language (Low Gothic) (Int), Awareness (Per), Dodge (Ag).
Basic talents: Melee Weapon Training (Primitive), Ambidextrous, Pistol Training (Las), Basic Weapon Training (SP), Pistol Training (SP).

3 реролла наименьших:

предсказание “Truth is subjective.” Increase Intelligence by +3. Begin play with 3 Corruption Points.
+8 +6(Sound Constitution) (16) вунд
(2) Fate
Weapon Skill (WS) 15+20+5=40
Ballistic Skill (BS) 20+20+10=50
Strength (S) 10+20=30
Toughness (T) 10+20=30
Agility (Ag) 20+20=40
Intelligence (Int) 7+20+3=30
Perception (Per) 10+20=30
Willpower (WP) 2+20+3=25
Fellowship (Fel) 6+20=26
Corruption Points: 3
Bought skills: Concealment+20 (300), Shadowing+20 (300), Silent Move+20(300), Awarness+20(200), Intimidate+20(300), Charm(200), Acrobatics+10(200), Swim(100), Disguise(100), Climb(100), Inquiry (100), Security+10 (200), Dodge+20(200), Tracking (100), Wrangling (200), Sleight of Hand (200), Survival (200), Scrutiny (100), Search (100), Tech-use (200), Contortionist (100), Interrogation (100), Drive(Ground Vehicle)(100), Ciphers (Acolyte) (100), Ciphers(War Cant) (100), Common Lore (Underworld) (100), Scholastic Lore (Imperial Creed) (100), Navigation (Surface) (100).
Bought talents:
Fearless (300), Sound Constitution(100)x3, Sound Constitution(200)x3, Sprint (200), Rapid Reload (100), Lighting Reflexes (100), Leap Up (100), Resistance (Poisons) (100), Unremarkable (100), Quick Draw (100), Berserk Charge (100), Basic Weapon Training (Las) (100), Basic Weapon Training (Primitive) (100), Basic Weapon Training (Bolt) (100), Basic Weapon Training (Plasma) (200), Pistol Training (Primitive) (100), Pistol Training (Bolt) (100), Pistol Training (Plasma) (200), Heavy Weapon Training (SP) (200), Heavy Weapon Training (Bolt) (200), Melee Weapon Training (Shock) (200), Melee Weapon Training (Power) (100), Melee Weapon Training (Chain) (100), Heightened Senses (Sight) (100), Heightened Senses(Hearing) (100), Double Team(Додонко Эксплосииф) (100),
Mighty Shot (200), Marksman(200), Arms Master(300), Deadeye Shot (200).
Bought characteristics:
Bs+10(350), Ws+5 (100).
3 doses of stimm(Starting), charm (corpse hair)(Starting).
На меч и пушку:
Gains Proven Quality against daemons of filth disease and degradation.
Tearing Quality against daemons.
Class Range RoF Dam Pen Clip Rld Special Wt Cost
Nomad Basic 250m S/–/– 1d10+5 I 3 4 Full Accurate,Reliable 10kg 2,000 х10(лучшего качества+Silencer(10тронов) Red-Dot Laser Sight BS+10 (50тронов))
Power Sword Melee — 1d10+5(+1) E 6(+2) Balanced, Power Field 3.5 kg 2,500x10 тронов(лучшего качества+Mono(40))
Knife Melee, Thrown 3m 1d5(+1) R 2 - 0.5 kg 5х10 (лучшего качества, Mono (40))
Stub Revolver Pistol 30(-15)m S/–/– 1d10+3(-1) I 0 6(-3) 2Full Reliable 1kg 40x10
(лучшего качества+Silencer(10 тронов) +Compact(50 тронов))
Bolt Pistol Pistol 30m S/2/– 1d10+5 X 4 8 Full — 3.5 kg 250x10 Rare
(лучшего качества)
Man-Stopper Bullets 30(25 тронов),80 bullets(4 трона), Bolt Shells 30(480 тронов), Frag grenade x2 (20 тронов).
Backpack 10 тронов
Chrono 40 тронов
Infra-Red Goggles 275 тронов
Cameleoline Cloak 500 тронов
De-Tox x2 130 тронов
Vox-caster 300 тронов
Grapnel 30 тронов
Stummers 25 тронов
Re-breather 50 тронов
Environmental Body Glove Head, Arms, Body, Legs AP1(+1) 5kg 625х10 Rare (лучшее качество) +10 bonus on Survival Tests equipped with a re-breather and photo-contacts
Synskin Head, Arms, Body, Legs; AP 2; 2500х10(лучшее качество) +10 bonus to Concealment and Silent Move Tests, Wearer invisible to the effects of infra-red goggles and Dark Sight.
Отражающее поле хорошего качества 30000
4 500 тронов - Медицинский Сервитор для Таматики
3 000 тронов на КОТа для Таматики

Потрачено 118309тронов

Shan'tal WS:56 BS:53 S:44 T:57 AG:41 INT:44 PER:40 WP:62+5 FEL:39
Wound:1/20 ОС:0/5 Fatigue:0
Крафтовая броня (-1 бонус ловк, -30 скрытность, -10 додж, халкинг, - 1 броня в локации после попадания)
-11 T

Сообщение отредактировал menstrolog - Воскресенье, 09.04.2017, 23:24
Unreal0602Дата: Среда, 14.06.2017, 19:41 | Сообщение # 43
Капитан V роты. Пенетратор тиранов
Группа: Администратум
Сообщений: 1588
Награды: 12
Слава: 1376
Статус: Offline
  • Name: Перуника "Ника"
    Class: Scum
    Ascended Career: Desperado
    Path of Origin: Imperial World
    Divination: “In the darkness, follow the light of Terra.” Increase Willpower by +3.
    Backgrounds: Proven Innocent, Pilgrim
    Alternate Ranks: 6th Rank - Fixer, 7th Rank - Agent of Reliquary 26, 9th Rank - Desperado
    Cell Directive: Reliquary Retreival Strike Team
    Transition Package: Ghost from the Past

  • Характеристики:
    WS: 20+13+3+10 = 46
    BS: 20+13+3+10 = 46
    St: 20+12+3+5 = 40
    Tg: 20+12+3+5 = 40
    Ag: 20+18+3+10 = 51
    Int: 20+15+3+5 = 43
    Per: 20+14+3+5 = 42
    WP: 20+16+3+3+10+5 = 57
    Fel: 20+15+3+15 = 53
    Insanity: 0
    Corruption: 4
    W: 8+2+1 = 11
    FP: 2
    Influence: 26

  • Троны: 50
  • Weapons:
    Best-Craftmanship Mono Knife (Melee, Thrown; Range: 3m; Damage: 1d5+1 R; Pen: 2; +10 to Hit; Weight: 0.5kg; Cost: 5; Abundant)
    Pair of Good-Craftmanship Aegis Anbaric Shock Blaster Pistol with Red-Dot Lasersights and Targeters (Exotic; Range: 20m; S/2/–; Damage: 1d10+2 E; Pen: 4; Clip: 7; Reload: Full; Shock, Reliable; Weight: 3kg; Cost: 650; Rare)
    Las Carbine with Red-Dot Lasersight (Basic; Range: 60m; S/2/–; Damage: 1d10+2 E; Pen 0; Clip: 40; Reload: Full; Reliable; Weight: 3kg; Cost: 75; Common)
    Digital Rad-Cleanser (Exotic; Range: 30m; S/–/–; Damage: 2d10+2 E; Pen: 7; Clip: 1; Blast (2), Recharge, Toxic; 0.5kg)
  • Ammunition:
    8xCharge Pack (Pistol)
    3xCharge Pack (Basic)
  • Explosive:
    Haywire Grenade (Thrown; Range: SBx3; Haywire (3); Weight: 0.5Kg; Cost: 200; Very Rare)
  • Armour and Clothes:
    Best-Craftmanship Flak Armour (All; Armour: 4; Weight: 6.5kg; Cost: 300; Scarce)
    Best-Craftmanship Rosarius (Maccabien) (Protection Rating: 50; Overload: 01; Weight: 0.5kg; Extremely Rare)
  • Gear: Aquilla necklace, Multikey, Badge of Office, Microbead, Best-Craftmanship Backpack, Best-Craftmanship Chrono, Best-Craftmanship Clip/Drop Harness, Best-Craftmanship Respirator, Good-Craftmanship Bedroll, Best-Craftmanship Compass, Good-Craftmanship Mess Kit, Good-Craftmanship Personal Grooming Kit, Best-Craftmanship Tool Kit, Best-Craftmanship Weapon/Gear Storage, Best-Craftmanship Weapon Maintenance Kit, Best-Craftmanship Infatry Lamp Pack, Best-Craftmanship Auspex, 10xMagnacles, 2xPinner, Medikit, 2xStummers.
  • Drugs and Consumables: 6xRation Packs

  • Experience:
  • Starting EXP: 13000exp
  • Total EXP: 14000exp
  • Free EXP: 50exp

  • Starting Skills: Speak Language (Low Gothic) (Int), Blather (Fel), Charm (Fel), Deceive (Fel), Awareness (Per), Common Lore (Imperium) (Int), Common Lore (Ecclesiarchy) (Int), Survival (Int), Forbidden Lore (Heresy) (Int)
  • Starting Talents: Ambidextrous, Melee Weapon Training (Primitive), Pistol Training (SP), Basic Weapon Training (SP), Hardy

  • Bought Skills: Dodge +20 300Exp, Barter 100Exp, Awareness +20 200Exp, Navigation (Surface) 100Exp, Drive (Ground Vehicle) 100Exp, Concealment 100Exp, Ciphers (Acolyte) 100Exp, Inquiry 100Exp, Secret Tongue (Gutter) 100Exp, Sleight of Hand 100Exp, Swim 100Exp, Secret Tongue (Acolyte) 100Exp, Evaluate 100Exp, Gamble 100Exp, Pilot (Civilian Craft) 100Exp, Search +10 200Exp, Carouse 100Exp, Silent Move 100Exp, Chem-Use 100Exp, Scrutiny 100Exp, Tech-Use 200Exp, Tracking 200Exp, Pilot (Jump Packs) 100Exp, Command 200Exp, Medicae 200Exp, Acrobatics 100Exp
  • Bought Talents: Pistol Training (Las) 100Exp, Thrown Weapon Training (Primitive) 100Exp, Peer (Underworld) 100Exp, Blind Fighting 100Exp, Heightened Senses (Hearing, Sight) 200Exp, Sprint 200Exp, Basic Weapon Training (Las) 200Exp, Catfall 100Exp, Street Fighting 100Exp, Disarm 200Exp, Sure Strike 200Exp, Arms Master 100Exp, Marksman 100Exp, Takedown 200Exp, Heightened Reactions 500Exp, Shadow Lord 700Exp, Unassaiable Grace 500Exp, Common Lore Mastery 500Exp, Exotic Weapon Training (Shock Blaster) 100Exp, Total Recall 100Exp, Gunfighter Saint 500Exp
  • Bought Сharacteristics: WS +10 750Exp, BS +10 350Exp, St +5 500Exp, Tg +5 500Exp, Ag +10 350Exp, Int +5 250Exp, Per +5 250Exp, WP +10 750Exp, Fel +15 850Exp, -10 Corruption Points 1000Exp

  • Traits:
    Blessed Ignorance
    Imperial citizens know that the proper ways of living are those that are tried and tested by the generations that have gone before. Horror, pain and death are the just rewards of curiosity, for those that look too deeply into the mysteries of the universe are all too likely to find malefic beings looking back at them.
    Penalty: Your wise blindness imposes a –5 penalty on Forbidden Lore (Int) Tests.

    Meditation upon the lives–and, more importantly, deaths of the Emperor’s blessed saints grants Imperial citizens a wide knowledge of the Imperium of Man.
    Benefit: Imperial worlders treat the Common Lore (Imperial Creed) (Int), Common Lore (Imperium) (Int) and Common Lore (War) (Int) skills as Basic Skills.

    Liturgical Familiarity
    Surrounded as they are by folk of the faith, Imperial citizens are accustomed to the preaching of the Ecclesiarchy.
    Benefit: Imperial world characters treat Literacy (Int) and Speak Language (High Gothic) (Int) as Basic Skills.

    Superior Origins
    Imperial citizens know that of all the worlds in the Imperium, theirs is, in fact, the most beloved of the Emperor.
    Benefit: Increase your Willpower by +3.

    Against the Odds
    The character loses one Fate Point.

    Special Circumstances
    The Acolyte gains +3 to every Characteristic and +1 Wound.

    The Acolyte has been indoctrinated into the belief that the Holy Ordos are infallable (after all, he was innocent, and his prison branding proves it). The Acolyte is immune to any attempts to Charm, Command, Deceive, or Intimidate him into acting against his Inquisitorial masters. If he wishes to act against his own cell or the Inquisition he must succeed in a Hard (-30) Willpower Test.

    Pilgrim Skills
    You begin play with the Common Lore (Ecclesiarchy) (Int) and Survival (Int) skill.

    Seasoned Traveller
    You gain the Hardy Talent.

    You begin play (or return from your pilgrimage) with one weapon, a single devotional trinket, the clothes on his back and nothing else. All other equipment that your character would normally have is removed.

    Rare Equipment
    The Grand Reliquarium has resources that include ancient equipment often entrusted to those Acolytes serving an Inquisitor.
    At the beginning of each mission (as determined by the GM) the character gains one item from Table 2-2: Reliquarium Assignment. This item must be returned after the mission. Failure to do so may have grave consequences (as determined by the GM).

    Picked up a thing or two
    Those serving Reliquary 26 often see things that man should not see. Each Acolyte may choose to train in one Scholastic or Forbidden Lore Skill.
    Forbidden Lore (Heresy).

    Criminal Mastermind
    In a world of thieves, muggers, confidence tricksters, rakehells, gangers, and common murderers, Desperados are simply the best. Part of that is the skill to operate unhindered in that world, or any Imperial underworld, as if one had been born there.
    Once per game session, a Desperado may automatically succeed on any one Interaction Skill Test in the minimum time possible, provided the Skill Test involves any group for which the Desperado possesses a Peer or Good Reputation Talent. Should degrees of success be a factor, then the Desperado is considered to have rolled a 01 on this test.

    Master of Coin
    It is a Desperado’s business to understand the way thrones move and flow throughout the Imperium. A skilled master of coin knows just when to sell, when to buy, just what should be paid, and just how much he can get away with.
    Whenever the Desperado, or a group being headed by a Desperado, makes an Acquisition or Influence Test to purchase goods or services, add +5 to the roll. The GM may, at his discretion, decide that this bonus does not apply in cases where the either no coin is involved or the Desperado would very obviously not be able to use his abilities.

    Добавлено (14.06.2017, 19:13)
    Influence Test for Best-Craftmanship Rosarius (Maccabien) (-20)

    Добавлено (14.06.2017, 19:41)
    Influence Test for Targeter (+0)

    Influence Test for Targeter (+0)

| WS 38 | BS 42 | St 38 | Tg 40 | Ag 34 | Int 31 | Per 29 | WP 32 | Fel 27 | Wounds 13/13 | Fatigue 0/7 | FP 1/2 |
Stealin' property is ma life (⌐■_■)
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