Мир: FORTRESS WORLD Characteristic Modifiers: +3 to any two of the following Characteristics—Ballistic Skill, Willpower, Toughness. Skills: All fortress world characters start with Common Lore (War), Common Lore (Imperium), Common Lore (Imperial Guard), and Linguistics (Low Gothic). Hated Enemy (Orks): A fortress world often stands opposed to a single threat, and they are taught to hate that particular foe and eliminate it on sight. All fortress world characters gain a single Hatred Talent, where the group chosen is the enemy the fortress world has been established to defend against. However, this hatred is often so strong as to overwhelm reason and sound judgement, and all fortress world characters may be required, at the GM’s discretion, to attempt an Ordinary (+10) Willpower Test in order to restrain themselves from attacking without mercy when that enemy is sighted. Combat Doctrine: Nerves of Steel Bred for War: Fortress worlders possess an entirely justified siege mentality, a natural result of daily lives shaped by the need for perpetual vigilance against an enemy that could strike at any time, and the discipline required to respond to that threat swiftly and effectively. Fortress worlders are loyal almost to a fault, and reluctant to disobey orders even with good reason, lacking personal initiative, and becoming inflexible as a result. A fortress worlder must attempt a Challenging (+0) Willpower Test in order to go against the rules and regulations of the Imperial Guard. Starting Wounds: Fortress world characters generate starting Wounds normally. Командир: Choleric Starting Talents: Rapid Reaction Тип полка: Mechanised Infantry Characteristics: +3 Agility, –3 Perception Starting Skills: Operate (Surface) Starting Talents: Rapid Reload Standard Kit: One M36 lasgun and four charge packs per Player Character (Main Weapon), one suit of Imperial Guard flak armour per Player Character, two frag grenades and two krak grenades per Player Character, one Chimera Armoured Transport per Squad. Доктрины: Close Order Drill Talents: Double Team Hardened Fighters Characteristics: +2 Weapon Skill Starting Talents: Street Fighting Standard Regimental Kit: Mono upgrade to its standard melee weapon. Любимое оружие: Meltagun, Heavy Bolter
Играем с камрадами (не который ДамнедКомрад, а которые НПС-болванчики) Карьеры: Оператор (занято Комрадом), сержант (Даблус), специалист, оператор тяжелого вооружения
Skills: Command, Command + 10, Scholastic Lore (Tactica Imperialis), Operate (Surface), Common Lore (War), Common Lore (Imperium), Common Lore (Imperial Guard), Linguistics (Low Gothic)
Talents: Weapon Training (Chain, Las), Rapid Reload, Double Team, Street Fighting, Hatred (Orks)
Equipment: M36 lasgun, Common Craftsmanship las pistol, Common Craftsmanship chainsword, 4 lasgun charge packs, 2 laspistol charge packs, Imperial Guard flak armour, 2 frag grenades, 2 krak grenades, lho sticks, lighter, good craftsmanship knife with mono upgrade
Total EXP: 600 Free EXP: 0
Name: Piotr Demeanours: Psycho
Имя перса: Имя комрада: Личность комрада:
Тану-И-Ксар:K. I. A. Silon: K. I. A. Dablus Fulgur: Active WS 39 BS 51 St 50 T 39 Ag 34 Int 31 Per 34 WP 27 Fel 19 W 11/11 FP 1 Богдан Двойнов: Active WS 43 BS 46 S 32 T 40 Ag 36 Int 30 Per 30 WP 29 Fel 28 R 52 | W 14 FP 2 Безумие 10 Xavier: Active WS 51 BS 53 S 49 T 60 Ag 46 Int 50 Per 41 Fel 38 | W 22 FP 3
Сообщение отредактировал Dablus - Четверг, 09.06.2016, 17:48
DEATH WORLD Characteristic Modifiers: +3 to any two of the following Characteristics—Perception, Strength, Toughness. Skills: All death world characters are Trained in Survival. Fluency: While death worlders have learned to speak Low Gothic, they do not have time in their violent lives to learn how to read or write the universal language of the Imperium. Because of this, death worlders do not start with the Linguistics (Low Gothic) Skill at creation, however they are still capable of engaging in any verbal communication in Low Gothic that does not require a Skill Test. Hardened: Death worlders are accustomed to violence, and many death worlds contain a variety of deadly, venomous creatures. They must be continually prepared and wary of danger from a young age if they are to survive, and those instincts do not easily fade. Death worlders start with one of the following Talents: Light Sleeper, Lightning Reflexes, or Resistance (Poisons). Wary of Outsiders: Death worlders tend to be slow to put their faith in anyone other than themselves and their comrades, and they chafe at the expectations and strictures of more civilised society. They suffer a –10 penalty on all Interaction Skill Tests made in formal surroundings, and similarly impose a –10 penalty on any Interaction Skill Tests made on them by any non-death worlders. These penalties can be waived at the GM’s discretion if the death worlders are dealing with those who have earned their trust. Starting Wounds: Death world characters begin play with +2 starting Wounds. Phlegmatic Starting Skills: Common Lore (Imperial Guard), Common Lore (War) Light Infantry Characteristics: +3 Agility, –3 Toughness Starting Skills: Navigate (Surface) Starting Talents: Sprint Standard Kit: One lascarbine and four charge packs per Player Character (Main Weapon), one flak vest and flak helmet per Player Character, two frag grenades and two smoke grenades per Player Character. Sharpshooters Starting Aptitude: Ballistic Skill Starting Talents: Deadeye Shot • One uniform • One set of poor weather gear • One lascarbine and four charge packs per Player Character (Main Weapon) • One knife • One flak vest and flak helmet • Two frag grenades and two smoke grenades • One rucksack or sling bag • One set of basic tools • One mess kit and one water canteen • One blanket and one sleep bag • One rechargeable lamp pack • One grooming kit • One set of cognomen tags or equivalent identification • One primer or instructional handbook • Combat sustenance rations, two weeks’ supply • One chrono • One autopistol and 2 clips • One magnoculars • One gas mask • One targeter
Equipment: Poor weather gear, knife, flak vest, flak helmet, rucksack, basic tools, mess kit and water canteen, blanket, sleep bag, rechargeable lamp pack, grooming kit, cognomen tags, instructional handbook, Combat sustenance rations, two weeks’ supply, gasmask, small infantry shovel, sniper rifle, 4 magazines, lho-pack (7 left)
Free EXP: 0 Total EXP: 600
Name: Yuriy Demeanour: Dissenter
Тану-И-Ксар:K. I. A. Silon: K. I. A. Dablus Fulgur: Active WS 39 BS 51 St 50 T 39 Ag 34 Int 31 Per 34 WP 27 Fel 19 W 11/11 FP 1 Богдан Двойнов: Active WS 43 BS 46 S 32 T 40 Ag 36 Int 30 Per 30 WP 29 Fel 28 R 52 | W 14 FP 2 Безумие 10 Xavier: Active WS 51 BS 53 S 49 T 60 Ag 46 Int 50 Per 41 Fel 38 | W 22 FP 3
Сообщение отредактировал Dablus - Среда, 27.07.2016, 23:56