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Комрадический Онливор - анкеты
DamnedComradДата: Вторник, 26.07.2016, 23:46 | Сообщение # 1
Капитан IV Роты, Регент Легиона, Умный Сквиг
Группа: Администратум
Сообщений: 5769
Награды: 14
Слава: 2057
Статус: Offline
Ферийский 216-й стрелковый полк
Родной мир: Ферия, имперский мир
Characteristic Modifiers: +3 to Willpower and +3 to any one other Characteristic.
Skills: All Imperial world characters start with Common Lore (Imperial Creed), Common Lore (Imperium), and Linguistics (Low Gothic).
Blessed Ignorance: Imperial citizens know that the proper ways of living are those tried and tested by the generations that have gone before. Horror, pain, and death are the just rewards of curiosity, for those that look too deeply into the mysteries of the universe are all too likely to find malefic beings looking back at them. Their wise blindness imposes a –5 penalty on all Forbidden Lore (Int) Tests.
Kill the Mutant: The general citizens of the Imperium are trained from birth to fear mutation, for it heralds the taint of Chaos. All Imperial world characters start with Hatred (Mutants).
Starting Wounds: Imperial world characters generate their starting wounds normally.

Командир полка:
Характер: Circumspect
The regiment’s commander is balanced in his attitudes and careful in his decision-making, yet often overly cautious. His demeanour encourages his men to similarly consider situations before they strike, observing the battlefield before acting.
Starting Talents: Foresight

Специализация полка: Линейная пехота
The backbone of the Imperial Guard, line infantry form the bulk of every battle line, the core of every assault, and the heart of every defence. The humble, doughty, and loyal infantryman is the subject of countless propaganda picts and inspirational murals
across the Imperium. They form the iconic image of the Imperial Guard for most Imperial citizens, and for good reason. It is a rare battlefield that is not graced by the presence of line infantry.
Characteristics: +3 Strength, –3 Intelligence
Starting Skills: Athletics
Starting Talents: Rapid Reload
Standard Kit: One M36 lasgun and four charge packs per Player Character (Main Weapon), one suit of Imperial Guard flak armour per Player Character, two frag grenades and two krak grenades per Player Character.

Тренировочная доктрина: Строевая подготовка
The regiment has trained long and hard to operate in
close formations, fighting shoulder-to-shoulder with their comrades. These close formations can respond quickly with overwhelming force, moving as a single entity, rather than a group of individuals.
Talents: Combat Formation

Доктрина оснащения: Хорошо снабженные
The regiment has been marked as a supply priority by the Munitorum, keeping them well-supplied with ammunition, food, medical equipment, and other consumables. Wellprovisioned regiments tend to be those expected to face the worst of the fighting, with regular resupply to allow them to remain at fighting strength for far longer.
Standard Regimental Kit: The regiment increases the number of clips for their main ranged weapon and the number of weeks’ rations they carry as standard by +2, and gain an additional grenade of each type in their standard kit (if applicable). If the regiment contains vehicles, this also grants a +10 bonus on all Logistics tests to obtain fuel and parts for repairing and maintaining those vehicles.

Набор гвардейца :
Лазган М36
6 батарей
3 фраг-гранаты
3 крак-гранаты
Полный комплект противоосколочной брони
Респиратор для шлема
Любимое тяжелое оружие: Автопушка
Любимое специальное оружие: Плазмаган

Патентованный Watch Master всея СоВМа.

Мариуш Навин:
BS 45 WS 38 S 38 T 30 Ag 37 Per 34 Int 40 WP 37 Fel 38 Inf 44 Wounds 11 FP 3
DablusДата: Среда, 27.07.2016, 07:44 | Сообщение # 2
Группа: Легионеры
Сообщений: 486
Награды: 0
Слава: 60
Статус: Offline
Name: Rico

Speciality: Medic

WS: 20 + 13 = 33
BS: 20 + 19 = 39
St: 20 + 8 + 3 = 31
T: 20 + 9 + 3 = 32
Ag: 20 + 13 = 33
Int: 20 + 20 + 5 - 3 + 5 = 47
Per: 20 + 8 = 28
WP: 20 + 15 + 3 = 38
Fel: 20 + 7 = 27

W: 12

FP: 3

Aptitudes: BS, Fieldcraft, Int, Knowledge, Per, WP

Skills: Medicae, Scholastic Lore (Chymistry), Trade (Chymist), Athletics, Common Lore (Imperial Creed), Common Lore (Imperium), Linguistics (Low Gothic), Dodge, Medicae + 10

Talents: Jaded, Weapon Training (Las, Low-Tech), Foresight, Rapid Reload, Combat Formation, Hatred (Mutants)

Equipment: Diagnostor, Injector, Medikit, M36 Lasgun, 6 charge packs, Imperial Guard flak armour, 3 frag grenades, 3 krak grenades, knife, respirator, lho-sticks pack, lighter

Free EXP: 0

Total EXP: 600

Тану-И-Ксар:K. I. A.
Silon: K. I. A.
Dablus Fulgur: Active
WS 39 BS 51 St 50 T 39 Ag 34 Int 31 Per 34 WP 27 Fel 19 W 11/11 FP 1
Богдан Двойнов: Active
WS 43 BS 46 S 32 T 40 Ag 36 Int 30 Per 30 WP 29 Fel 28 R 52 | W 14 FP 2 Безумие 10
Xavier: Active
WS 51 BS 53 S 49 T 60 Ag 46 Int 50 Per 41 Fel 38 | W 22 FP 3

Сообщение отредактировал Dablus - Среда, 27.07.2016, 08:25
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