Итого тут располагаются ваши фандексы, хоумрулы и прочие забавные шняжки.... Так начну с тиров и их формаций (Пока то что ниже тока используется ГМом!!! ФандексТиров ФандексТиров2
Thornback Carnifex Pts/model: 210
Weapons and Biomorphs: Bonded Exoskeleton Twin-linked Devourers with Brainleech Worms Stranglethorn Cannon Thornback
Thornback: The carapace of this carnifex variant is covered in wickedly sharp barbs and hooks. It carelessly throws its weight around in an attempt to impale and crush any surrounding infantry. At the end of each Assault phase any non-vehicle enemy models in base contact with the Thornback Carnifex must take a Initiative test or suffer a wound. These wounds count as close combat attacks from a Monstrous Creature, and armour saves may not be taken.
Venomspitter Carnifex Pts/model: 215
Weapons and Biomorphs: Bonded Exoskeleton Two Heavy Venom Cannons Spore Cysts
Spore Cysts: The carapaces of some larger Tyranid organisms are pocked with oozing orifices that spontaneously shudder and birth spore mines. These mines drop to the ground in a puddle of birthing fluid and immediately probing the air with their tendrils to search out prey. A Carnifex with Spore Cysts can spawn Spore Mines during the Tyranid Movement phase before it has moved – even if it is locked in assault. If it does so, roll 1D3. Place a new unit of Spore Mines such that no model is more than 6” away from the Carnifex – the size of the unit is equal to the total rolled. Models in this new unit cannot be placed in impassable terrain. If you cannot place new models due to impassable terrain or simply because you’ve run out of models, the excess is destroyed. If a spawned unit must be placed within 2” of an enemy unit it immediately detonates following the Living Bomb special rule as detailed on page 48 of Codex: Tyranids. Any spawned units that are not destroyed due to enemy proximity, impassable terrain or due to running out of models may then act normally.
Bile-beast Carnifex Pts/model: 230
Weapons and Biomorphs: Bonded Exoskeleton Twin-linked Deathspitters Crushing Claws Spore Cysts Toxic Miasma Prehensile Tongue (counts as Lash Whip)
Bio-weapons: Rending claws as standard. May have extra biomorphs and bio weapons as standard.
SPECIAL RULES Eldar genestealers have the same special rules as a normal genestealer but they do not have brood telepathy as it has been swapped with synapse.
Synapse: As with the zoanthrope, Eldar genestealers have a highly evloved brain. This enables them to expand their brood telepathy to a higher level of power. Because eldar genestealers are weaker than most synapse creatures, the range of the synapse is reduced to 6".
Super fast: Eldar genestealers are super fast, therefore they roll two dices for fleet of foot. Pick the highest roll. _____________________________________________________________
Bio-weapons: Rending claws as standard. May have extra biomorphs and bio weapons as standard but with the addition of bio plasma which counts as a one only biomorph along with the other biomorphs marked with a *. Bio plasma costs 4pts. They may not take extended carapace.
SPECIAL RULES Ravager genestealers have the same special rules as a normal genestealer but with the further additional rule:
Deep Strike: Ravager genetealers are known to swoop down from no where and hunt down their prey.
Winged: Ravager genestealers are indentified by their wings. They have the winged biomorph. Their fleet of foot is now fleet of wing. The rules do not change. _____________________________________________________________
Biomorphs Acid Maw*..................6pts Implant Attack................6pts Extended Carapace.....7pts Toxin Sacs.....................8pts Feeder Tendrils...........2pts Bio Plasma*...................6pts Flesh Hooks................1pts Adrenal Glands (+1 WS)..5pts *Genestealer maximus can only pick one of these biomorphs. All of the genestealer maximus in the brood must have the same biomorphs.
SPECIAL RULES The genestealer maximus has the same special rules as a normal genestealer with the following acceptions and additions:
Slow: Genestealer maximus cannot use fleet of foot.
Inhuman Strength: So powerful is the genestealer maximus that all wounds caused by them ignore armour saves in the same manner as power weapons.
Crushing blow and deafing scream: When the genestealer maximus is in combat it may use it's crushing blow and deafing scream abilty. It will lose two attacks but it's remaining 2 attacks will be strength 10 and will cause the whole squad in combat to roll a leadership test at -2. If the squad fails they flee in terror from the monster's wrath. Only genestealer maximus in base contact with a enemy can use the crushig blow and deafing scream abilty.
Imperial Designation: Manipulator Common Name: Puppet-master, Puppeteer Species Name: Tyranicus possido
Thought to be related to the Zoanthrope, Manipulators are psychic beasts that drift through war zones. When looked upon they seem distracted and absent, their long fingers twitching delicately as if they were controlling a puppet. All the while they are forcing their will upon the minds of others, turning allies and brethren alike into nothing more than brutal mindless husks.
Elites: 0-1 Manipulators are considered an Elite choices in a Tyranid army.
Unit: 1 Manipulator
Weapon-symbiotes and Biomorphs:
- Rending Claws - Bonded Exoskeleton
Hive Mind Powers:
- The Horror - Psychic Scream - Control
Control: Once per turn at the beginning of the assault phase the Manipulator may attempt to excerpt control over an enemy’s mind. Choose one model within 24” of the Manipulator, the Manipulator then takes a psychic test and if it passes, that model then takes a leadership test (always use the models own leadership, modifiers created by higher leadership squad mates do not count). If the leadership test is failed that model comes under direct control of the Manipulator and may be controlled until the next Tyranid assault phase.
Any models that are under the effects of Control and belong to a squad are considered to immediately enter close combat as they turn on their comrades like a beast with rabies. If the controlled model survives past the assault phase the unit it is included in will be locked into close combat. If any model is under the influence of Control at the end of the last turn, it may not hold or contest objectives.
Models with the Swarm or Mindless special rules are unaffected by Control. A Manipulator may not use Control on the same model two turns in a row. If the Manipulator is locked in close combat, it may not use Control.
Sirens are large winged Tyranids theorized to be related or genetically based of the Narvhal hive ships. Bristled with antennae, they are constantly sending and receiving sensory information to and from Synapse creatures on the battlefield below. So strong is the information relayed by the Siren, that it has the ability to affect the communications devices of other races, causing them to hear an audible screeching over their intercoms, and a piercing shriek in their minds.
Siren Prime
Siren Primes are a larger, more receptive variety of the Siren. Displaying a “dish” of antennae around their head, they are able to transmit and identify a larger spectrum of sensory information. This greater understanding of what it is witnessing, allows Synapse creatures to better respond to enemy tactics.
(numbers on the right-hand side are the stats for the Siren Prime)
Unit: 1 Siren
Type: Monstrous Creature, Flyer
Weapon-symbiotes and biomorphs:
Wings Two sets of Scything Talons Fleshborer Hive Hardened Carapace
A Siren may take: Adrenal Glands – 10 points Toxin Sacs – 10 points Regeneration – 15 points
Upgrade a Siren to a Siren Prime – 50 points
Surveyor: Sirens have a fundamental role in a Tyranid attack. They soar high above the battlefield, using their many antennae to survey and analyse what is happening below, they then send this data synaptically to a leader-beast to utilize it in a more effective manner. When an enemy unit enters the table by outflanking, the Tyanind player can make the opponent re-roll their dice to determine which table edge they arrive from. This ability is active whilst the Siren is alive.
Interference: Sirens are always sending and receiving sensory information, this creates signals that interfere with enemy communications. When the opposing player rolls for reserves, a –1 modifier is applied to the dice roll. This ability is active as long as the Siren has wounds, regardless if it is on the table or not. This ability is active whilst the Siren is alive.
Enhanced Senses (Siren Prime only): Due to its heightened senses, Hive Tyrants and other Synapse creatures are able to understand and react to enemy movements with a lot more efficiency. When an enemy unit enters the table by outflanking, the Tyranid player may choose which table edge they arrive from. This ability is active whilst the Siren Prime is alive.
If the Siren Prime is taken as an upgrade it does not retain the Surveyor special rule.
Беларус Жуксон (Блатоптер)
Characteristics WS (33) BS (34) S (35) T (32) AG (43) INT (53) PER (44) WP (46) FEL (33) INF (45) W (10) FP (2) PR (3)
Skills CL (All I), SL (All I), FL (Archaeotech, Daemonology, The Warp I) Awareness I, Dodge I, Interrogation I, Psyscience I, Medicae II, Tech Use (All I, Demolitions III), Trade (Chymist III, Armorer I), Linguistics (High/Low Gothic), Stealth I
Weapons Long laz 150 S/-/- 1d10+3 E 1 40 Accurate/Felling(4)/Reliable/LCU Black Widow mkII / 20m / Clip (T1(3), T3(3))/ 10kg / Reserve in backpack (T1(3), T2(3), T3(3)) Autogun 100/S/3/10 1d10+3 I 0 30 Molotov Coctail (3) / Stun (1) / Frag (2) / Smoke (2) / Halucennogenic (3)
Гвардия. "На броне" - любой отряд, кроме Огринов, может сесть верхом на любой тип техники, кроме Фасты. При посадке-высадки техника считается опен-топпед. При глансе техники бросается д6. На 4+ одного пехотинца на броне убивает. При пне д3 гвардейцев падает замертво. Так же можно выбрать, по кому стрелять, по технике, или пассажирам. Так же все пассажиры могут стрелять из своего оружия.
Не Густа Поясняю 14 броня лобовая леман русса... Профит про глансы и пни? Бессмертные гвардейцы на броне....
Добавлено (13.09.2012, 17:57) --------------------------------------------- Предполагаемое изменение... На танк можно посадить до 10 гвардейцев верхом... При стрельбе по танку у стреляющего есть выбор стрелять по гвардейцам или по танку.... ---Если по танку не бластом то при глансе 1н гвардеец получает автовунду без каверсейвов, а при пне д3 гвардейцев на тех же условиях ---Если по гвардейцам то смотрим с какой скоростью танк двигался если до 6 дюймов то ковра нет, если 7-12 то 5+ ковёр, а 13-18 то 4+ ---Если по танку стреляют бластом то урон наносится как гвардейцам так и танку, при чём задеть может как всех так и 1-2 (на усмотрение ГМа)
При езде до 6 дюймов пассажиры могут стрелять как ни в чём ни бывало, если 7-12 то только снапшотить (6+), а если 13-18 то не могут.
Добавлено (13.09.2012, 17:59) --------------------------------------------- Этот грейд идёт как одна из доктрин!!!! Доктрина МБ или одна или ограниченное количество...
Беларус Жуксон (Блатоптер)
Characteristics WS (33) BS (34) S (35) T (32) AG (43) INT (53) PER (44) WP (46) FEL (33) INF (45) W (10) FP (2) PR (3)
Skills CL (All I), SL (All I), FL (Archaeotech, Daemonology, The Warp I) Awareness I, Dodge I, Interrogation I, Psyscience I, Medicae II, Tech Use (All I, Demolitions III), Trade (Chymist III, Armorer I), Linguistics (High/Low Gothic), Stealth I
Weapons Long laz 150 S/-/- 1d10+3 E 1 40 Accurate/Felling(4)/Reliable/LCU Black Widow mkII / 20m / Clip (T1(3), T3(3))/ 10kg / Reserve in backpack (T1(3), T2(3), T3(3)) Autogun 100/S/3/10 1d10+3 I 0 30 Molotov Coctail (3) / Stun (1) / Frag (2) / Smoke (2) / Halucennogenic (3)
Добавлено (13.09.2012, 18:23) --------------------------------------------- Аналогично же
Беларус Жуксон (Блатоптер)
Characteristics WS (33) BS (34) S (35) T (32) AG (43) INT (53) PER (44) WP (46) FEL (33) INF (45) W (10) FP (2) PR (3)
Skills CL (All I), SL (All I), FL (Archaeotech, Daemonology, The Warp I) Awareness I, Dodge I, Interrogation I, Psyscience I, Medicae II, Tech Use (All I, Demolitions III), Trade (Chymist III, Armorer I), Linguistics (High/Low Gothic), Stealth I
Weapons Long laz 150 S/-/- 1d10+3 E 1 40 Accurate/Felling(4)/Reliable/LCU Black Widow mkII / 20m / Clip (T1(3), T3(3))/ 10kg / Reserve in backpack (T1(3), T2(3), T3(3)) Autogun 100/S/3/10 1d10+3 I 0 30 Molotov Coctail (3) / Stun (1) / Frag (2) / Smoke (2) / Halucennogenic (3)
Бласт? Лазки? а если стреляет из штуки с убогим АП, из которых по танкам никто не стреляет? Таки тра-та-та-та-та, хэви стаббером и: танку пофиг, гвардата должна вундиться, нэ?
В новом факе вроде такого не видел. А так вообщето, 6+D6 крейсерская. Litium812, Вы читали, не?
Quote (YASTREB2009)
Так же можно выбрать, по кому стрелять, по технике, или пассажирам.
Какбы намекает, что из хб/стаббера/болтеров можно взять и уебать расстрелять пассажиров
Добавлено (13.09.2012, 18:47) --------------------------------------------- По поводу бласта: скольких бластом задевает, по стольким и откидывается попадание.
Какие именно? Помоему я достаточно развёрнутый вариант в качестве замены предложил, не?
Беларус Жуксон (Блатоптер)
Characteristics WS (33) BS (34) S (35) T (32) AG (43) INT (53) PER (44) WP (46) FEL (33) INF (45) W (10) FP (2) PR (3)
Skills CL (All I), SL (All I), FL (Archaeotech, Daemonology, The Warp I) Awareness I, Dodge I, Interrogation I, Psyscience I, Medicae II, Tech Use (All I, Demolitions III), Trade (Chymist III, Armorer I), Linguistics (High/Low Gothic), Stealth I
Weapons Long laz 150 S/-/- 1d10+3 E 1 40 Accurate/Felling(4)/Reliable/LCU Black Widow mkII / 20m / Clip (T1(3), T3(3))/ 10kg / Reserve in backpack (T1(3), T2(3), T3(3)) Autogun 100/S/3/10 1d10+3 I 0 30 Molotov Coctail (3) / Stun (1) / Frag (2) / Smoke (2) / Halucennogenic (3)
Бум дроппод. - *СМ, ХСМ и Тиры онли.* Дропподы можно ставить на противника и после приземления, отряд а который упал дроппод и все в 2 дюймах от него *Дропа* получают автохит с 5ой силой без АП. *ПС включая дружественные войска.* Техника получает гланс на 4+