Tome of Blood - Из этого томика создаем свое собственное, уникальное оружие.
Tome of Excess - Тут слащавые редиски.
Tome of Decay - Тут хорошие ребята. Серьезно. Некоторые даже не воняют. ...а так же капелька вашего времени, терпения и, разумеется, жертвоприношений.
В вашем распоряжении имеется 5 000 очков опыта для тех, кто будет генерировать персонажа по стандартному рульбуку и 3 500 для тех, кто воспользуется археотипами из отдельных томиков. Выбор по трем табличкам (Гордость, Разочарование, Мотивация) остается на откуп игрокам. Создание своего Оружия Наследия - тоже. Но! Броню кидать по табличке. Получения снаряжения - стандартно правилам рульбука. (Но есть возможность поменять вещь на вещь такой же редкости или ниже) Удачи в генережке и да прибудут с вами Темные Боги.
Боркус - Кузнец Войны 277-го отдельного гранд-батальона IV Легиона.
Рив - Повелители ночи.
Карроу - Повелители ночи.
Байон - Кузнец Варпа. Рота Фолькреда.
Дитрих - Сержант. Ветеран Долгой Войны. Рота Фолькреда.
Ws 49 (30+19) Bs 44 (30+14) S 50 (30+15+5 100exp) T 50 (30+15+5) Ag 45 (30+18-3) Int 41 (30+14-3) WP 41 (30+6+5) Per 41 (30+16-5) Fel 43 (30+17-4) Infamy 49 (19+10+5+4+2+9)
Wounds: 15+/2.
3500 ехр: +5 S 100 Berserk Charge 200 Frenzy 200 Battle Rage 300 Whirlwind of death 300 Combat master 300 Counter Attack 300 Killing Strike 300 Swift Attack 300 Lightning Attack 400 Crushing Blow 400 Blademaster 400 3500 потрачено.
Special Abilities: The Eternal Enemy: Veterans of the Long War represent the greatest of the Imperium’s fears, waging war on the very foundations of Imperial faith using skills and tactics garnered from innumerable battles spanning countless worlds. A Veteran of the Long War selects his Starting Alignment at Character Creation. He then acquires any one Special Ability and a single piece of equipment from any other Chaos Space Marine Archetype with a starting Alignment that matches his own in addition to the Special Abilities listed here. - Power Sword, Legacy of Hate, Versality Pattern Legacy ability Cold killer. When inflicts Zealous Hatred on a target, he may choose to reroll the Crit Result. The second result stands
Abhorrence Unchained: Every Veteran of the Long War harbours an undying hatred of the Imperium that fuels his murderous rampages while sowing the seeds of his inevitable damnation. Across the battlefield of ages he strides, a blood-soaked nightmare whose steps are thunder and whose battle-roar is death. Whenever a Veteran of the Long War slays a foe for whom he has the associated Hatred Talent, he may make an Ordinary (+10) Infamy Test. If he succeeds, he gains the Fear (2) Trait against that type of foe and his attacks inflict +1 Damage (to a maximum of +10) against enemies of that type until the end of the encounter.
Veterans of the Long War begin play Aligned to the Chaos God of their choice - Khorne.
Добавлено (14.06.2017, 23:03) --------------------------------------------- Демоническое оружие
Добавлено (14.06.2017, 23:12) --------------------------------------------- Демоническое имя
Дополнительная репутация: /2
Гордость: Стойкость бойца Четвёртого Железного помогает Фолькреду не только выживать, но и успешно вести Долгую войну против Империума Ложного бога. Унаследованное от примарха упорство вкупе с легионерской выучкой и сверхчеловеческой физиологией позволяет ему переносить чудовищные раны, делая его опасным противником на поле боя. (Fortitude. The Heretic is strong and tough, able to shrug off blows that might kill a lesser man. Though his fortitude is impressive, it comes at a cost of flexibility and adaptability. Characteristic modifier: +5 Toughness, –3 Agility, –3 Intelligence.) Недостаток: Жажда разрушения. Лишь абсолютное и безоговорочное уничтожение противника может быть приемлимо для истинного сына Пертурабо. Вся их жизнь, все их деяния должны быть стерты с лица галактики и забыты, а сами души скормлены демонам Кровавого Бога, обратившего взор на Фолькреда (destruction. Defeating a foe is never sufficient. Opponents must be utterly annihilated, their works destroyed, and their reputations laid waste. Opportunities to spread suffering, by any means, must be fully embraced; as mortal suffering may benefit the Ruinous Powers. Characteristic modifier: +2 Infamy, –4 Fellowship) Мотивация: Месть. Преданный своим создателем, униженный и изгнанный вместе со своим отцом Фолькред смотрел на возвышение Дорна и его Кулаков с едва сдерживаемым гневом. И по сей день ненависть раскаляет сердце Фолькреда, но спустя тысячи лет он наконец смог сбросить шоры: теперь его ярость направлена не только против ненавистных потомков Дорна, но и на каждого почитающего Трупа-на-троне. (Vengeance. In the past, this character was a victim. Since then, he has vowed to make those who have slighted him pay for their actions. He is willing to make every sacrifice necessary to right this wrong and to prevent anyone from ever hurting him again. Starting Wounds: +2 Wounds. Characteristic modifier: –5 Perception).
Функционирующие системы: Sustainable Power Source Osmotic Gill Life Sustainer Auto-Senses Enhanced armour plating Nutrient recycling
Йеремия, WS 49 BS 49 S 42 T 42 Ag 48 Int 44 Per 44 WP 59 Fel 57 W: 17/30, И: 3/6 Мк IV "Максимус" (-1 все), камоклоак, цепной меч, болтер, болт-пистолет, х30 болтов
Кион, WS 56 BS 39 S 53 T 50 Ag 57 Int 41 Per 44 WP 41 Fel 37 W: 23/30, И: 3/6 Мк IV "Максимус" (все -1), Цепной меч, болтер, болт-пистолет, 60 болтов
Каранка, WS 54 BS 45 S 54 T 52 Ag 60 Int 43 Per 46 WP 44 Fel 38 W: 28/30, И:4/6 Мк IV "Максимус" (-2 АР в правой ноге, все -1), камелиолиновая накидка, болт-пистолет, "Сталкер" - мастеркрафт, х60 болтов "Сталкер", х60 болтов, 5 ножей - мастеркрафт.
Зартан, WS 49 BS 54 S 51 T 51 Ag 39 Int 52 Per 40 WP 47 Fel 34 W: 16/30, И:4/8 Мк III "Железный" (все -1, кроме шлема), нож, плазменная винтовка+1 магазин, болтер, х30 болтов, набор инструментов
Сообщение отредактировал negbi - Среда, 21.06.2017, 17:33
Pride: Fortitude The Heretic is strong and tough, able to shrug off blows that might kill a lesser man. Though his fortitude is impressive, it comes at a cost of flexibility and adaptability. Characteristic modifier: +5 Toughness, –3 Agility, –3 Intelligence.
Disgrace: Dread Something in the Heretic’s past haunts him; a fear that dominates his life. Though he may ignore it for a time, it never leaves him completely. Characteristic modifier: +5 Perception, –5 Willpower.
Motivation: Ascendancy Mortal power is fleeting and life is short. The Heretic wishes to overcome both of these limitations by assuming a permanent level of at least daemonic power, but preferably a transformation to the divine and unholy. Starting Wounds: –2 Wounds. Characteristic modifier: +5 Willpower.
Amphibious, Unnatural Strength (+4), Unnatural Toughness (+4), Stuff of Nightmares, Fear 2 (Frightening).
Abominable Physiology The numerous parasites and virulent diseases that eat away at a Plague Marine’s armour and liquefy his diseased flesh also make him unnaturally resistant to harm. A Plague Marine never suffers Damage or other negative effects from Diseases, poisons, or the Toxic Quality unless he chooses to suffer these effects (although he can still be infected by Diseases as normal, and can spread them to others).
Hideous Resilience Plague Marines have been known to walk unflinching through terrible fire and shrug off mighty blows that would cleave other Space Marines in twain. As a Reaction, a Plague Marine may make a Difficult (–10) Toughness Test. If he succeeds, he reduces the Damage from the next hit he suffers before the beginning of his next Turn by 1 per Degree of Success he scores on the Test. If he reduces the Damage to 0 this way, he gains the Fear (1) Trait to the foe whose attack he so easily withstood.
Infectious Miasma Plague Marines are revolting testaments to the horrific bounties that await those who embrace the Lord of Decay, their bodies dripping with foul pestilences and contagions that hinder their opponents in combat. A Plague Marine may spend an Infamy point to release the swarms of bloat-flies, corpse-gases, and other vile contagions housed within his bloated frame. For the next 1d5+1 Rounds, at the start of the Plague Marine’s Turn, each other character within 10 metres of the Plague Marine suffers a single hit for 1d10 Energy Damage with the Toxic Quality, ignoring armour that is not environmentally sealed.
Gifts and Reward of the Dark Gods:
Mark of Nurgle Heretics with the Mark of Nurgle are marked by the Plague Father, either as a physical mark corroded into their corrupted flesh or a more secretive but no less permanent mark upon one’s soul. The sigil constantly weeps pus like a viciously festering wound, though this causes them no Wound Damage. These characters are compelled to constantly spread Nurgle’s Rot throughout the galaxy. Benefits: The character gains the Stuff of Nightmares and Unnatural Toughness (+1) Traits. In addition to these Talents, the Mark may grant further bonuses as determined by the GM and may be a prerequisite when performing rituals and interacting with various beings of the warp.
Chaos Organ (Nurgle) The character’s belly swells with fetid corpse gas, his entrails pushing horribly through the distended rupture. The character gains the Regeneration (1) Trait.
Face of Nurgle The character is blessed with the most disgusting visage possible that of Father Nurgle himself. His flesh becomes swollen and great lumps of it slough off entirely, revealing putrescent corruption beneath. Despite his loathsome, deathly countenance, the character’s eyes twinkle with Nurgle’s mischievous humour and darkling benefi cence, and tiny Nurglings prance and caper in the putrid phlegm drooling from his ever-grinning maw. The character gains the Fear 2 (Frightening) Trait (or increases his Fear Rating by +1 to a maximum of 4 if he already has it) plus the Peer (Mortal Followers of Nurgle) Talent.
Добавлено (15.06.2017, 22:29) --------------------------------------------- Infamy Test for Rewards of the Dark Gods:
Добавлено (15.06.2017, 22:29) --------------------------------------------- Gift of Chaos:
Добавлено (15.06.2017, 23:18) --------------------------------------------- Power Armour Customization:
Второй бросок на награду Тёмных Богов:
Acquisition test for Good-Craftmanship Power Fist (Legion) (-20)
Сервус: | WS 38 | BS 42 | St 38 | Tg 40 | Ag 34 | Int 31 | Per 29 | WP 32 | Fel 27 | Wounds 13/13 | Fatigue 0/7 | FP 1/2 | Stealin' property is ma life (⌐■_■)
Оружие Наследия Saint Slayer Крозиус Наследие Завоевателя Паттерн Виггилант +4
Shield of Hate The bond of shared hatred between weapon and wielder for their foes becomes near tangible. Each Round, the Heretic may expend a Reaction to add one half of his Infamy Bonus in Armour Points to the Arm holding his weapon (or both arms, if two-handed) and Body locations. These stack with any points from existing armour.
Черты: Тафна+4, Сила+4, Амфибия Таланты: Амбидекстр, Бугрящиеся Мышцы, Тренировка с оружием (Легион), Обостренные Чувства (Зрение, Слух), Стальные Нервы, Безоружный Воин, Сопротивление (Холод, Жара, Яд), Древний Воин, Аура Власти, Демагог, Воодушевляющий Гнев, Непоколебимая Вера, Железная Дисциплина, Враг (Экклезиархия) Навыки: Атлетика, Парирование, Оператор (Наземный транспорт), Навигация (Земля), Бдительность, Общие Знания (Война, Империум), Запретные Знания (Ересь Хоруса, Астартес, Долгая Война, Демонология, Книга Лоргара, Варп), Уклонение, Язык (Низкий Готик), Очарование, Обман, Командование+10, Проницательность, Схоластические Знания (Оккультизм). Особенность
Harbinger of Heresy: Dark Apostles are powerful orators whose words convert entire populations to the worship of Chaos and inspire them to unite and rise up against their Imperial Oppressors. When attempting to use any Interaction Skill to affect multiple targets, a Dark Apostle may affect 10 times the number of targets normally allowed. Further, he may spend an Infamy point to re-roll an Interaction Test and add a Degree of Success to the result. A Dark Apostle may also attempt to convert any NPC target(s), including minions, with a Disposition Modifier of +20 or greater to his own heretical beliefs through an Opposed Charm Test. The Dark Apostle gains +10 on the attempt, and, if successful, he can spend an Infamy Point to mark the target(s) as Faithful. Faithful followers are zealously dedicated to the Dark Apostle’s cause as long as their disposition towards him remains positive, giving them a +10 bonus to Opposed Willpower Tests to resist hostile Interaction Skills. Dark Devotion: Dark Apostles dedicate their every victory to the Ruinous Powers and construct nightmarish monoliths and vast icons of devotion to venerate their chosen Gods. A Dark Apostle may spend an Infamy Point to construct and dedicate a monument to the Chaos God of his choice. The size of the monument and the time required to complete its construction is subject to the Dark Apostle’s ambitions and the resources available to him, and additional Skill Tests might also be required as the GM sees fit. If the GM decides the resulting preparations are sufficient, the Dark Apostle may grant two Degrees of Success to a single Skill Test involved in a Rite or Ritual performed at the site. In addition, any Rites or Rituals that share an alignment with the monument gain a +30 Ritual Modifier, while those aligned to another God gain a –30 Ritual Modifier. Truly worthy altars can qualify as Glorifying Acts (see page 70) at the GM’s discretion. Dark Apostles begin play as Unaligned.
Добавлено (21.06.2017, 17:16) --------------------------------------------- Фича Phokulozortis, Daemon Prince of Tzeentch
The weapon leaves no visible wounds, no mark to demonstrate its passage. It appears as a baroque, impossible construct of smoke and crystal, and the daemon within does not feed upon flesh and blood, but upon intellect and awareness. Effects: A weapon with this attribute rolls for Damage as normal, ignoring Toughness Bonus and Armour. However, no wounds are caused by the attack; instead, the weapon deals Intelligence and Perception Damage, with the total Damage rolled divided evenly between the two characteristics.